
2011년 11월 5일 토요일

11/5 Weekend

DIALOG>> Do you have any plans for the weekend?

Do you have any plans for the weekend?

I'm just going to chill and get some rest.
* chill: [v] (informal) to spend time relaxing, 시간을 느긋하게 보내다.
ex> Do you want to come over to just chill?

It's been a long week.

Let's go for brunch on Sunday if you feel like it.

I'm up for that.
* be up for: ~할 마음이 있다. 

RESPONSE>> What do you typically do during the weekend?

I used to be a very active person in the past.

I would take my bike out to the riverside or meet up with friends to play some sports.
ex> I like to take my bike out for a ride every day.

As I became busier and busier with work, these days I just want to get some rest over the weekend.
* get some rest: 휴식을 취하다. = take a break
ex> You really need to get some rest today.

I definitely sleep in to catch up on my sleep.
* sleep in: (일부러) 늦잠 자다.
* catch up on one's sleep: 잠을 보충하다. 
ex> I'm going to catch up on my sleep this weekend.

I just feel like taking it easy all day usually watching TV.
* take it easy: 편하게 지내다.
ex> let's just take it easy at home tonight.

My friends who have kids devote the weekends for their family.
* devote: 헌신하다, 바치다.
ex> I devoted all my time to my job for the past 10 years.

I'm sure I'll be like that when I do have a family of my own.
* have a family: 가정을 꾸리다. 

@ They really let us down.  우리를 정말 실망시켰어. 

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