To get the most bang for your buck when it comes to seafood, ~
* get the most bang for one's buck: 돈을 아깝지 않게 쓰다.
ex> Getting the most bang for your college buck
ex> Get More Bang for Your Buck by Using Coupons and Sales Wisely
They're always bustling with people because many Koreans love seafood.
* bustle with: ~로 붐비다.
ex> Jeju Island is bustling with tourists throughout the year.
The prices are relatively cheaper than most retail stores.
* retail store: 소매점
You can get better prices if you know how to haggle well.
* get better price: 보다 싼값에 구입하다.
* haggle [|hӕgl]: 흥정하다 =bargain.
ex> I left him in the market haggling over the price of a shirt.
I'd recommend going to the markets at the crack of dawn.
* at the crack of dawn. 꼭두새벽에, 해가 뜰 무렵에
Another option is to have one of the nearby restaurants cook up your purchases right there on the spot.
* on the spot: 현장에서, 즉석에서
@ I don't remember a thing. 하나도 기억이 나질 않아.
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