
2010년 11월 30일 화요일

11/20 Talk about Korea's garbage disposal system.

Ten plus years age, Korea adopted the "volum-based" or "pay-as-you-go" garbage system.
* volume-based [pay-as-you-go] garbage system: 쓰레기 종량제
ex> The pay-as-you-go garbage system is considered the norm in Korea.

The more trash you produce, the more you have to pay.

Regulation garbage bags must be purchased at supermarkets or convenience stores.
* regulation garbage bag: 규격 종량제 봉투.
ex> Regulation garbage bags come in 5, 10, 20 and 50 liter sizes.

Recycling is also very well practiced throughout Korea.
* be well practiced: 잘 실천하다.
ex> It took a while for recycling to be properly practiced.

Koreans throw away food waste separately in designated outdoor containers.
* outdoor container: 실외 수거통

@ It's off-limits to animals.  동물은 출입 금지야.
* What do you have against my puppy?

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