
2011년 5월 6일 금요일

4/30 Talk about how Koreans like to exfoliate their skin.

Koreans are no strangers to skin exfoliation.
* be no stranger to: ~에 매우 익숙하다.
ex> Athletes are no stranger to ankle sprains or pulled muscles.

Many of them get their skin exfoliated regularly through a body scrub.

There are a plethora of public bath houses all over the country where you can do this.
* a plethora of: 수많은, 셀 수도 없는
ex> There are a plethora of afterschool English programs in Korea.

You soak yourself in a hot tub to make your skin nice and soft.
* soak oneself in: ~에 몸을 담그다.
* hot tub: 온탕
ex> I don't like soakking myself in a hot tub for too long.

Grab a scrub towel and use some elbow grease to start scrubbing.
* use elbow grease: ~을 열심히 하다, hard work

Rinse off all the dead skin that's left behind with water.
* rinse off:  헹궈내다, 씻어 내다.

Then enjoy a nice shower to finish squeaky clean.
* squeaky clean: 매우 깨끗한, cf> squeaky: 찍찍 우는 소리

@ We're trying to cut corners. 비용을 줄이려고 하고 있어.

1. This area is no stranger to violent crimes.
2. I get my skin exfoliated once a month.
3. She likes to soak herself in a hot tub before going to bed.
4. You should rinse it off thoroughly with water.

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