
2011년 5월 29일 일요일

5/27 Talk about typical pharmacies in Korea.

Drugstores are located on almost every street corner.
* pharmacy (=drugstore): 약국
* on every street corner: 길목마다. everywhere.
ex> There are street vendors on almost every street corner.

In Korea even the simplest drugs such as basic painkillers can only be purchased at drugstores.
ex> She refuses to take even the simplest drugs and relies on herbal medicine instead.

There are tons of over-the-counter medications for various symptoms.
* over-the-counter medications: 처방전이 필요 없는 의약품

The pharmacist will often give you small packets filled with pills.
* packet: 작은 봉지
ex> I organized all of my jewelry by putting them into individual small packets.

You'll find a whole array of health products such as detary supplements or vitamins at Korean drugstores.
* a whole array of: 다양한~
* dietary supplements: 식이 보조제
ex> I love that restaurant because they serve a whole array of side dishes.

My oldest brother gets on my nerves!  우리 오빠 정말 짜증 나!
That's what older brothers are there for. 원래 오빠들이 그래
@ He always bosses us around.  항상 우리에게 이래라저래라 해.

1 Entrances to subway station can be seen on almost every street corner.
2. Regulation for OTC medications have been strengthened.
3. The store offers a whole array of cosmetic products.
4. Keep in mind the health products are not medicine.

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