
2011년 9월 27일 화요일

9/27 Growing Plants Indoors

Dialog>> I like how my place looks like with all the plants.

I didn't know you were into growing plants.
* be into: ~에 빠져 있다.

Someone gave me a plant as a gift.

I like how my place looks with all the plants.
= I like what my place looks like with all the plants

I think the plants refresh the air.

Response>> Talk about the benefits of growing plants indoors.

It's hard to see much green in bustling city areas.
* bustling: full of people moving about in a busy way

This is unfortunate because plants can better air quality and even offer aesthetic benefits.
* better: 개선하다.
ex> This change will better the system.
* aesthetic benefits: concerned with beauty and art and the understanding of beautiful things

Raising a plant is a great way to add a touch of nature to a cold, urban setting.
* a touch of nature: 자연의 느낌
ex> This painting adds a touch of nature to my office.
cf> final touch of my paper: 논문 마지막 손질, a touch of cold: 감기기

The water in the pots can also add a bit of humidity to the air.
ex> The humidity makes my hair go crazy.
cf> humidifier: 가습기

This can make a difference during the dry seasons.
* make a difference: 차이를 만들다, 개선하다.

Plants can increase oxygen levels and the fresh smell can even be therapeutic.
ex> I find getting massages to be therapeutic.

Overall, growing plants can give people a sense of satisfaction.
ex> Achieving your goals can give you a sense of satisfaction.
cf> a sense of obligation: 의무감

@ What's going down tonight after work?  오늘 퇴근하고 뭐 특별한 일 있어?

1. Study hard to better yourself.
2. The wallpaper adds a touch of nature to the living room.
3. The herbal tea is therapeutic.
4. We felt a sense of satisfaction when we finished the project.

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