
2011년 9월 10일 토요일

9/9 Gol-baeng-i moo-chim

Dialog>>  I'm a big fan of Gol-baeng-i moo-chim.

What's your favorite side dish when you drink?

I'm a big fan of gol-baeng-i moo-chim.

I've never tried, but I know what goes in it.


A very popular Korean side dish that goes well with alcohol is gol-baeng-i moo-chim.
* go well with: mach well, ~와 잘 어울린다.
ex> Your hairstyle goes well with your dress.

It's a spicy dish made up of sea snails and vegetables.
* sea snail: 골뱅이, periwrinkle

First thinly slice various vegetables like cucumbers, carrots, chili peppers, lettuce, scallions.
* thinly slice (shred): to cut or tear sth into small pieces
ex> Thinly slice the meat as a topping.
* chili pepper:
* lettuce: 상추
* scallion: 부추

The sauce is a mix of red pepper paste, vinegar, sugar, garlic and sesame oil.

Mix the vegetables with the sea snails and sauce.
ex> Mix the soil with the fertilizer.

You can add thin noodles to go with the dish.

That's one of the most common side dishes you will come across in Korea.
* come across: 우연히 마주치다. (사람에는 잘 안쓴다.), bump into.. (주로 사람에게)
ex> I came across a great restaurant last week.

@ What time do you get off tonight?  오늘 몇 시에 일 마치니?
cf> I'm on the subway. I'm about to get off.  내리다.

1. Your pants goes well with your dress shoes.
2. The team is made up of experts.
3. Mix vinegar with olive oil.
4. You can easily come across Italian restaurants in Seoul.

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