Dialog>> I want to use online banking.
I have to open a book account.
There's a branch just down the street.
I want to use online banking.
You just need to sign up.
They'll give you one when they give you your bankbook.
Many people choose online banking over going to the actual bank for all sorts of transactions.
* all sorts of: 각양각색의
* transaction: piece of business that is done between people, especially an act of buying or
ex> Many people choose movies over books.
Online banking is incredibly convenient.
* incredibly: 매우, 믿을 수 없을 정도로
ex> Text messaging is incredibly convenient.
You can make most basic transactions through it and check up on your balance.
* make transactions: 거래를 하다.
* check up on the balance: 잔액을 조회하다.
ex> I need to check up on my schedule first.
Signing up for online banking is very easy.
ex> Signing up for classes can be done online.
You will be issued a security card.
* issue: 발급하다.
You can go home to set up your account online.
* set up: 등록하다.
ex> I set up my computer on the desk.
You have to download an official certification of authenticity.
* official certification of authenticity: 공인 인증서
Look at your security card for them and punch them in.
* punch in: 입력하다.
ex> Punch in the number on this business card to reach me.
@ The hot weather always gets me down. 날이 더우면 항상 기운이 빠져.
We could go get some smoothies if you want.
1. I chose work over love.
2. Did you sign up for your classes.
3. I need to check up on a few things.
4. I punched in 1 instead of 0 by mistake.
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