
2011년 9월 29일 목요일

9/29 Depression

DIALOG>> Depression is the main cause for suicides.

I heard Korea has the highest suicide rate in the OECD.
ex> High suicide rates is a problem to be dealt with.

Depression is the main cause for suicides.

People who have depression should get professional help.

I went to a shrink and got some counseling,. I also took some anti-depressants.
* shrink: (slang) (humorous) a psychiatrist or psychologist
* anti-depressant: a drug used to treat depression

RESPONSE>> Talk about depression.

Depression is a psychological condition that can seriously affect a person's life.

There are mild cases where people experience mood swings, loss of appetite, and lack of energy.
* mood swing: having moods that change quickly and often, = moody
ex> There's medicine for those with mood swings.

Severe cases of depression can easily result in suicidal urges.
* suicidal urge: 자살 충동
ex> There's a big difference between mild and severe allergies.
ex> He was treated for his suicidal urges.

People who suffer from depression must seek medical attention.
* seek medical attention: 의학적 도움을 받다.

Counseling sessions with psychiatrists can make a big difference.
* make a big difference: 큰 차이를 유발하다.
ex> Let's all make a big difference in the world.

Anti-depressants can also help patients overcome certain symptoms.

Many of those suicide cases result from depression.

People need to be more aware that depression is a medical condition that needs to be treated, just like a physical illness.

@ Let me get back to you on that.  나중에 다시 알려 줄께.

1. The accident really affect my life.
2. He experienced mood swing after he lost his job.
3. See a doctor if you have suicidal urges.
4. I believe we can make a big difference in the world.

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