I remember being a victim to a pickpocket a few years back.
* be a victim to: ~의 희생자가 되다.
* pickpocket: 소매치기
ex> She was a victim to domestic violence. 그녀는 가정폭력의 희생자였다.
I got pushed and shoved a few times because the streets were crowded.
* got pushed and shoved: 떠밀리다.
ex> In these desperate times, we get pushed and shoved from every side.
It was the perfect opportunity for a pickpocket to snatch up my wallet.
* snatch up: ~을 낚아채가다.
ex> My brother snatched up my car keys and took off.
Someone broke into his home and robbed him of all his valuables.
* break into: ~에 무단으로 침입하다.
* valuables: 귀중품
ex> I lost some of my valuables while moving.
Burglars entered her home and cleaned out her jewelry box.
* clean out: 온통 훔쳐가다. 비우다.
ex> I need to clean out my locker before the end of the term.
They took off with millions of won in cash as well.
ex> I have 100,000 won in cash with me right now.
@ We owned them! (=We beat them so badly.) 우리가 그쪽을 완파했어, 코를 납작하게 해줬어.
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