Credit cards are very convenient; not to mention, they come with extra benefits.
ex> The platinum credit cards come with higher cash point benefits.
Depending on what type of crdit card you sign up for, you can receive different perks.
* sign up for: 가입하다.
* perk: 혜택, 특전
ex> You can enjoy extra customized perks with credit cards.
You can choose the payment method at the time of purchase.
ex> The coupon must be presented at the time of purchase.
Some people like to pay little by little in installments.
* installment: 할부
ex> Would you like to pay in full or in installments?
Others prefer to just pay the entire sum in full.
* entire sum: 전체 금액
ex> My credit card bill is paid in full at the end of every month.
One catch with the former is that it may come with interest payments.
* catch: 결함, 함정, drawback
@ This suitcase weights a ton. 이 가방 정말 무겁다.
1. My brother is hard-working; not to mention, he is smart.
2. I signed up for a credit card last week.
3. I prefer to pay in installments.
4. I always pay in full because I don't like paying interest.
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