If you're an Internet junkie, Korea is one of the best places to be at.
* Internet junkie: 인터넷을 매우 즐기는 사람
ex> Internet junkie refers to a person who is constantly online to do stuff.
You can get access to high-speed Internet at Internet cafes that are basically on every street corner.
* get access to: ~을 이용하다.
* on every street corner: 골목마다
ex> You need a password to get access to wireless internet.
Internet cafes come in handy when you're on the go without a laptop.
* come in handy: 유용하게 쓰이다, useful
* on the go: 이동 중인
ex> Smart phones come in handy when you're on a business trip.
These cafes are the perfect place to just kill some time when you have nothing better to do.
* kill time: 시간을 때우다.
ex> Let's kill some time at the shopping mall.
There's a law that bans minors from staying past 10 PM.
* minor: 미성년자.
ex> Smoking should be banned by law in public buildings.
@ We took him by surprise. 그를 감짝 놀라게 했어.
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