
2011년 8월 15일 월요일

8/15 Talk about Korea's Liberation day

August 15th is a national holiday that celebrates an important turning point in Korea's history.
ex> Studying abroad was an important turning point in my life.

This day was when the Japanese occupation of Korea ended back in 1945.
ex> Many Koreans still have a nagative view of Japan because of the Japanese occupation.

Koreans mark this day by haning the national flag outside of their house.
ex> Let's mark this date as our official anniversary.
ex> Many homes hang the national flag on holiday like today.

There's an official ceremoney where even the President shows his face.
ex> He stopped by just to show his face, but left soon after.

The government grants pardons for breakers of the law.
* grant a pardon: 사면을 내리다.
* breaker of the law: 범법자
ex> The king decided to grant the man a pardon for his wrongdoing.

@ Let's draw up a cleaning schedule. 청소 계획을 세우자.

1. This will be an important turning point in my life.
2. Almost all the apartment residents hung the national flag.
3. I was so busy that I couldn't even show my face.
4. The government granted pardons to 1,000 prisoners.

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