
2011년 8월 26일 금요일

8/23 Talk about the causes and treatment of hemorrhoids.

Having hemorrhoids can be a nightmare and a literal pain in the behind.
ex> Standing in front of the entire school was a total nightmare for me.

It's one of the leading causes for hospital visits in Korea.
* leading cause: 주요 원인
ex> What do you think the leading cause of depression is?

The good thing is that most cases of hemorrhoids are easily treatable.
ex> The doctor said that your condition is easily treatable.

Treatments can range from do-it-yourself medicated creams to surgery.
* do-it-yourself: 스스로 하는

Doctors blame hemorrhoids on sitting on cold floors or even on toilets for too long.
* blame A on B: A를 B의 탓으로 돌리다.
ex> I blame my failure on my lack of experience.

Low-fiber diets, long-hour desk jobs, and heavy drinking are also related causes.
ex> I started to gain weight after I got my long-hour desk job.

@ You have to face up to your responsibilities.  네 행동에 책임을 져야 해.

1. I can't stay seated for a long time because of my hemorrhoids.
2. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death.
3. Fortunately her condition was easily treatable.
4. Long-hour desk jobs can cause back pain.

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