
2011년 8월 18일 목요일

8/16 Talk about Korean dog breeds.

The Jindo dog is considered a representative canine breed of Korea.
* breed: (동식물의) 품종
* canine: connected with dogs, 개과 동물
ex> My favorite canine breed out there is the Maltese.

This bragging right is even on paper because the Korean government designated it a Natural Monument.
* bragging right: 자랑할 만한 권리.
cf> brag: to talk too proudly about sth you own or sth you have done, 자랑하다.
* Natrual Monument: 천연 기념물
ex> This beach was designated as one of the top tourist attractions.

The canine can be traced back to its origin on Jindo Island.
* trace back: 거슬러 올라가다.
ex> The cause of the fire was traced back to a careless group of campers.

It's quite a looker with a sharp and sturdy appearance.
* looker: 매력적인 외모를 가진 사람/동물
* sturdy: 강인함.
ex> Your son is going to grow up to be quite the looker.

It's about medium-sized and commonly used as a watchdog.
* watchdog: 감시견

Poongsan and Sapsal dogs are indigenous Korean dogs.
* indigenous: 토착의
ex> This is an indigenous plant that has been around for centuries.

The Poogsan dogs are outstanding hunter dogs, originally hailing from North Korea.
* hail from: to come from or have been born in a particular place, ~출신이다.

Sapsal dogs are shaggy and gentle, although they show no mercy to an attacker.
* show no mercy to: ~에게 무자비하다.

@ Is it okay if I drop by later after work?  퇴근하고 나중에 들러도 될까?

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