
2011년 8월 8일 월요일

8/8 Talk about the Seoul bus system.

Seoul boasts one of the most efficient public transportation system in  the world.
ex> I recommend this course because it boasts the highest number of students.

Each bus type is colored differently, depending on its category.

The blue buses connect suburban areas to downtown Seoul.
* suburban area: 교회 지역
ex> If you connect the stars of the Big Dipper, they form a big spoon.
* Big Dipper:북두 칠성

The green ji-seon buses connect major subway stations to residential areas
* residential area:  of an area of a town suitable for living in
ex> The government is planning on developing this area into a residential area.

The red buses link the hotspots of Seoul and outer satellite cities.
* hotspot: 중심지, a place where fighting is common, especially for political reasons
ex> These wires link up all the computers in the office.

The yellow soon-hwan buses circle downtown Seoul making stops for bustling business and tourist.
* circle:  ~ around above/over sb/sth to move in a circle, especially in the air, 돌다, 순환하다.
* bustling: full of people moving about in a busy way
ex> I think we're lost because we just circled this block three times.
ex> Eagles tend to circle their prey in the sky before killing it.
* prey: an animal, a bird, etc. that is hunted, killed and eaten by another

 @ I hate it when people cut in without giving a signal.  사람들이 신호도 안 켜고 끼어드는게 싫어.

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