
2012년 5월 20일 일요일

5/17 Vacation

DIALOG>> I think you should take a vacation.

A: You've been working so hard these days.
B: I know, but I enjoy it.
A: You even work on the weekends, don't you?
B: Yeah. It's not that bad.
A: I think you should take a vacation.
B: I can't afford to go on one right now.
* take a vacation (= go on a vacation): 휴가를 가다

RESPONSE>> Do you think taking a vacation is important? Why do you think that way?

I strongly believe that taking a vacation every so often is essential for a person.
* every so often: 최대한 자주
ex> I'm going to take a vacation this week.

Most people work in some way or another; whether it's in an office or at home looking after children.

Engaging in  your work day in and day out can become monotonous and boring.
* engage in: ~에 참여하다
* day in and day out: 매일매일
* monotonous: 단조로운
ex> He complains about his work day in and day out.
ex> I'm tired of my monotonous life.

Going on a vacation can make you feel refreshed because it gives you time to relax.
ex> I felt quite refreshed after a cup of morning coffee.

It helps you feel less stressed and recharged.
ex> I feel recharged after I've been to a sauna.

However, on the other hand, your work can suffer as a result of you being away.

But I do think that in the long run, a vacation will actually make you more productive because you come back feeling more motivated and ready to work harder.
ex> Compensation makes people feel more motivated.
ex> His speech motivated many young people.

@ I want to take some time off.  나 좀 쉬고 싶어

1. When are you going to take a vacation?
2. It rains day in and day out during the rainy season.
3. I feel refreshed after a bath.
4. We had a very productive time.

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