
2012년 5월 9일 수요일

5/7 Airport

DIALOG>> How was your flight?

A: So, how was your flight?
B: I almost missed it.
A: What happened?
B: It took me so long to get through security.
A: Why? Did you do anything wrong?
B: No, I was just unlucky and had to pull everything out of may bag.
* get/go through security: 보안 검색대를 통과하다

RESPONSE>> Unexpected things can happen at the airport. Talk about a memorable incident you had at the airport.

When I was returning to Korea from a holiday to Canada, there was an unexpected problem at the Vancouver airport.
ex> If you have an unexpected problem, give me a call.

I had bought a lot of souvenirs and clothes from the city but I didn't think it would push my suitcase over the weight limit.
* over the weight limit: 무게 제한을 초과하는
ex> My books pushed my luggage over the weight limit.

Unfortunately, I was wrong.

My check-in baggage weighed in at a massive 38kg.
* weight in at: 무게가 ~나가다
ex> Is this your check-in baggage?
ex> My dog weights in at a massive 45kg.

It was 13kg over the limit and the excess baggage cost was hundreds of dollars.

There was no way I could afford the excess baggage charge.
ex> I can't afford to pay for the taxi every morning.
ex> I had to pay an excess baggage charge because my luggage was too heavy.

I thought I would have to kiss all my purchases goodbye.
* kiss something goodbye: ~에 작별을 고하다, 버리다
ex> We had to kiss the project goodbye.

I eventually left them with my friend in Canada and got them delivered via air mail.
* leave something with someone: ~에게 ~을 맡기다
ex> Why don't you leave your dog with me?

@ You have to fill out a customs clearance form.
통관서류를 작성해야 돼.

1. We ran into an unexpected problem.
2. Be careful not to go over the weight limit.
3. I had to kiss my new pants goodbye.
4. I left my car with my neighbor.

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