DIALOG>> Do you think it's getting polluted?
A: How was fishing at the lake?
B: I didn't catch that many fish.
A: Really? You always come back with a whole bunch, don't you?
B: I think there's something wrong with the lake.
A: why? Do you think it's getting polluted?
B: Uh-huh. I think that may be the case.
RESPONSE>> Talk about how pollution is affecting our rivers and lakes.
Pollution is having a bigger effect on our surroundings than almost anything else.
* have an effect on: ~에 영향을 미치다
ex> The global economy is having a bigger effect on our national economy.
Cars are probably the biggest culprit in terms of pollution.
* culprit: 주범, 주요 원인
ex> I think computer games are the biggest culprit of the falling academic performance of kids.
Riversides and lakesides haven't been able to escape the influence of cars.
* escape the influence of: ~의 영향력에서 벗어나다
ex> It's hard to escape the influence of pollution.
Many roads and parking lots are popping up close to these areas of natural beauty.
Rivers and lakes are being polluted due to wastewater.
The deteriorating water quality makes it hard for some fish to survive.
* deteriorating: 악화되는
ex> The relations between the two countries have been deteriorating.
We sometimes see fish die in massive numbers because of pollution.
ex> People showed up in massive numbers at the festival.
I think we should do more to protect our water resources.
Planting more trees along river banks or lakes can be a good place to start.
* a good place(way) to start: 좋은 출발점
ex> Where can be a good place to start?
@ The river overflowed its banks.
강이 강둑을 넘어 범람했어.
1. The water quality is deteriorating.
2. High oil prices are the biggest culprit.
3. Protesters showed up in massive numbers.
4. Turning off computers that are not in use is a good place to start.
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