
2012년 5월 4일 금요일

5/3 Domestic Trips

DIALOG>> Are you planning on going overseas?

A: Have you decided on where to go for your vacation?
B: Not yet. I'm not sure where to go.
A: Are you planning on going overseas?
B: Not really. I just want to go somewhere domestically.
A: Why don't you call a travel agency?
B: I was about to do that actually.

RESPONSE>> How are domestic trips different from trips that you take overseas?

Domestic trips require a lot less preparation than trips overseas.
ex> I prefer domestic trips to trips overseas.

You don't need to worry about taking your passport or currency exchange.
* currency exchange: 환전
ex> You need to be aware of the exchange rate for currency exchange.

Plus, you usually pack a lot less because most domestic trips are shorter.
= pack light
ex> I think it's better that you pack a lot less.

They're great because they 're cheaper on the whole.
* on the whole: 전반적으로
ex> Which do you like better on the whole?

On the flip side, some people might not find them as exciting as traveling abroad.
= on the contrary

Like the saying goes; the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence.

But if you look hard enough I think every country has some hidden treasures that are worth visiting.
* worth visiting: 방문할 만한
ex> What are some places worth visiting in your country?

It's a good idea to do your homework before you go on a trip.
* do one's homework: 사전에 알아보다
ex> I can see that you did your homework.

@ We're going on a package tour.
우리 패키지 여행 가.

Have you set your itinerary?  일정 다 짰니?

1. Could you recommend some places worth visiting?
2. I think it would be okay to pack less.
3. Price are cheaper than other places on the whole.
4. It's good to do your homework before meeting a business partner.

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