
2012년 5월 5일 토요일

5/4 Transportation

DIALOG>> It runs on both gas and electricity.

A: Is this your new car?
B: Uh-huh. It's a hybrid.
A: Cool! Do you get good mileage on it?
B: I think so. It runs on both gas and electricity.
A: Isn't it a bit more expensive than regular cars?
B: True, but I can make up for it with the money I save on gas.

RESPONSE>> How are the means of transportation today different from those of the past?

The means of transportation today are more technologically advanced than ever before.
ex> There are plenty of means of transportation we can choose from.
ex> Korean telecommunication companies are technologically advanced.

In the old days, all means of transport were powered by animals.
ex> In the old days, there wasn't enough to eat.
ex> Most cars are powered by gasoline or diesel engines.

People used to ride horses or use animals to pull carts around.

Long distance journeys would take a long time.
ex> Long distance journeys require more money.

Nowadays it is hard to imagine getting by without cars, trains or airplanes.
* get by without: ~없이 지내다
ex> It's unimaginable getting by without cell phones.

The main difference between transportation from the past is that modern vehicles all use some kind of engine or turbine, which make them move a lot faster.

We can now travel to far-off places that we couldn't have dreamed of visiting hundreds of years ago.
* far-off place: 먼 곳
ex> We can now talk to people who are at far-off places over the phone.

But the biggest drawback is the increased pollution that these new means of transport are causing.
* drawback: 단점, 결함
ex> What is the biggest drawback of this system?

@ Traffic is insane!  교통 상황이 정말 말이 아니다.

1. The means of transportation have become diversified these days.
2. What are the drawbacks of this plan?
3. We cannot get by without computers now.
4. I do not like to go on trips to far-off places.

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