
2011년 6월 16일 목요일

6/16 Talk about shoe repair shops on Korean streets.

People have a lot of wear-and-tear on their shoes from all the walking that they do.
* wear-and-tear: 닳고 찢어진 것

There are so many shoe polish shops on the streets in Korea.

You can easily find one up and down streets with heavy foot traffic.
* up and down street: 거리 곳곳에
* heavy foot traffic: 유동 인구가 많은
ex> You should hold your child's hand in areas with heavy foot traffic.

You can also fix worn-down heels or get new soles.
* worn-down: 닳은
* sole: 신발 밑창
ex> I never throw away my shoes even if they have worn-down heels.

They commonly copy keys for doors and locks.
ex> That store down there copies keys for pretty cheap.

They also buy and re-sell gift certificates.
* gift certificate: 상품권

You can sit on a little stool while the repairperson takes care of your shoes.
* stool: 등받이가 없는 의자

@ Do you think the economy will ever bottom out?

1. Where is the nearest shoe polish shop?
2. There's heavy foot traffic on this street during rush hour.
3. The heels on my shoes are all worn-down.
4. I copied keys for my roommate.

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