
2011년 6월 2일 목요일

6/2 Talk about chronic fatigue syndrome.

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a disorder where one feels tired all the time.
ex> If I don't drink my coffee in the morning, I feel tired all day.

CFS is when one has constant, unexplained fatigue for six or more months.
ex> I envy you for your constant energy that never runs out.

It worsens with any physical strain or mental stress.
* physical strain: 무리한 신체활동
ex> My grandfather is no longer in good health so he tries to avoid any physical strain.

Rest doesn't do the trick in making it go away.
* do (turn) the trick: 효과를 발휘하다, 해결하다.
ex> A little soda water will do the trick and take the stain out.

To treat CFS for good, one should make a radical lifestyle change.
* for good: 영구적으로, 완전히, completely
ex> It's not possible to treat some diseases for good because they are incurable.
ex> After my dad had a heart attack, he made a radical lifestyle change.

Being easy on yourself and not pushing your body is important.
* be easy on oneself: 무리하지 않다.  take it easy. 

@ I'll ask around for more info and let your know.  내가 여기저기  좀 알아볼께

1. The appearance of UFOs is an unexplained mystery.
2. He is under great mental stress in his workplace.
3. I did everything I can, but nothing did the trick.
4. Are you going to quit the company for good?

@ Morning Words
1. Don't be a skeptic.  회의론자가 되지 마.
2. Let's do bulk shopping.  한꺼번에 많이 사자.

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