
2011년 6월 29일 수요일

6/29 Talk about the rainy season in Korea.

When summer comes around, Koreans need to make sure that their umbrellas are in working order.
* rainy season / monsoon season: 장마철
* come around: 다가오다.
* be in working order: 제대로 작동하다.
ex> The computers were fixed and are in working order now.

The monsoon season hits during the summer months from late June to early July.
ex> Expect to almost always get rained on during the monsoon season.

Korea gets close to half its annual precipitation during that period.
* annual precipitation: 연간 강수량
ex> Annual precipitation in recent years has started to change because of climate change.

The weather is sporadic, so it's good to carry an umbrella at all times.
* sporadic: 간헐적인, 변덕스러운
ex> She has such a sporadic personality that it's hard to know what to expect.

The air truns so sticky and humid.
* sticky: 끈적거리는
cf> soggy: wet and soft, usually in a way that is unpleasant, 눅눅한
ex> Tropical islands tend to be warm and humid all year-round.
ex> The table was all sticky from the spilt juice.

Moving around  in the rain can be quite a chore.
* chore: 성가신 일

@ She brought her dog along.  그녀가 강아지를 데려왔었어.

1. The laptop is back in working order now.
2. Going out during the monsoon season is not easy.
3. The annual precipitation of Korea is 1,300mm.
4. We had sporadic rainfalls throughout the week.

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