DIALOG>> It must be the Monday Blues.
Why are you just staring at your computer?
I can't focus. It must be the Monday Blues.
Tell me about it. I wish I could've had some more time off.
I think I'm going to be inefficient all day. I'm feeling really lazy.
It's worse because we just came back from an extended weekend.
It's going to be a long day!
RESPONSE>> Talk about your experience with the Monday Blues.
It can be hard to get back into the swing of things after a weekend.
* get back into the swing of things: 일상으로 돌아오다. ~이 익숙하게 되다.
ex> I need time to get back into the swing of things.
Most of us get used to sleeping in and just relaxing at home.
* sleep in: to sleep until after the time you usually get up in the
ex> He slept in and got some rest.
This makes it hard to go back to our early work schedule.
* go back to: ~로 돌아가다.
ex> I wish I could go back to my healthy days.
Our daily routine feels more tiring.
* daily routine: 일상적인 틀, 하루 일과
ex> His daily routine is always the same.
The "Monday Blues" make us inefficient and lazy.
* inefficient: not doing a job well and not making the best use of time, money, energy,
ex> This system is very inefficient.
That's why it's important to enjoy your weekends to the max.
* to the max: 최대한
ex> Let's enjoy our vacation to the max.
Another even worse situation is when we come back from a long extended holiday.
<More Words>
* feel lethargic: 몸이 나른하다.
* have low motivation: 의욕이 안 생긴다.
* laid-back: calm and relaxed, 느긋한
@ No one can go without water for too long. 물 없이 오래 버틸 수 있는 사람은 없어.
1. I want to sleep in tomorrow.
2. I think this method is very inefficient.
3. Can you tell me about your daily routine?
4. I want to enjoy my time here to the max.
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