
2011년 10월 8일 토요일

10/8 Household Chores

DIALOG>> We share the housework.

Do you help around the house?

My wife and I both work, so we share the housework.

What are you in charge of?
* be in charge of: ~의 책임을 맡다.

I normally vacuum and mop the floors. I also take out the garbage.

She does most of the cooking.

RESPONSE>> Talk about household chores you do at home.

I do most of the housework at home.
* housework: the work involved in taking care of a home and family, for example cleaning and cooking, = household chores

I do the cooking and the dishes most of the time.
* do the cooking/dishes 음식/설거지를 하다.
ex> She always does the dishes right after meals

I do the laundry every other day.
* do the laundry: 빨래를 하다.

I like to keep my house nice and tidy, so I vacuum and mop the floors almost every day.
* nice and tidy: 깨끗하고 깔끔한
ex> I made my bed nice and tidy.
* vacuum the floors: 바닥을 진공 청소하다.
* mop the floors: 바닥 걸레질을 하다.
ex> You should vacuum the carpet as often as possible.
ex> Make sure to mop the floors thoroughly.

I also dust the furniture in the house.
* dust:  to clean furniture, a room, etc. by removing dust from surfaces with a cloth
ex> He wanted to dust the inside of the car.

I clean the bathroom once a week.

My husband used to help around the house when we first got married, but now he rarely does anything.
ex> Her son always helps around the house.

My children help me with the housework.

They take out the garbage and the food waste.
ex> Would you mind going out to take out the garbage?

They also give the dog a bath every two weeks.
* give the dog a bath: 강아지 목욕을 시키다.

@ I'm going to hand in my resignation.  나 사표 낼 거야.

1. What's you secret to keeping your house so nice and tidy?
2. I think mopping the floors is the most tiring.
3. Why don't you dust your room?
4. Can you take out the garbage on your way out?

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