
2011년 7월 1일 금요일

6/30 Talk about how you deal with mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are a pain anywhere.
* pain: 골칫거리
ex> Filling out all these papers is a pain, but it has to be done.

Korean mosquitoes are no exception especially during the summer season.
* be no exception: 예외가 아니다.

You can get one of those electric anti-mosquito kits that you plug in.
ex> You can plug in your laptop in the living room.

There are also electric zappers that are like an upgraded version of fly swatters.
* electric zapper: 전기 파리채/모기채
cf> zap: to destroy, kill or hit sb/sth suddenly and with force
* fly swatter: 파리채

Spraying bug repellant may also help fight off the mosquitoes.
* bug repellant: 벌레약

Try your best not to scratch (at) the bite!
ex> If you scratch the bite, it will only make the itch worse.

@ Can you bring it back after you're done?  다 쓰면 돌려줘!

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