It is easy to get glasses or contacts in Korea because there are so many eyewear stores.
* eyewear store: 안경점
ex> I can't get just any type of contacts because I have astigmatism.
* astigmatism: a fault in the shape of a person’s eye that prevents them from seeing clearly, 난시
This is partly because not many Koreans have 20/20 vision.
* 20/20 vision: 정상시력 1.0
ex> He always brags about having perfect 20/20 vision.
* brag: to talk too proudly about sth you own or sth you have done
An optician will first check your eyesight.
* optician: 안경사
cf> optometrist: 검안사
ex> Did you have your doctor check your eyesight recently?
You can go to an optometrist to get a prescription for your glasses.
* prescription: 처방전, 렌즈 도수
Korean eyewear shops don't require prescriptions for you to buy eyewear.
ex> He's so stylish that he has dozens of different, trendy eyewear.
Contacts can come in hard or soft lenses, depending on your preference.
* come in: 출시되다.
These days, people wear contacts for aesthetic reasons as well.
* for aesthetic reasons: 미용을 목적으로
@ What can we do to clean up your image? 깨끗하게 하다, 향상시키다.
1. The eyewear store sells imported frames.
2. You're lucky to have 20/20 vision.
3. I was shocked when I checked my eyesight last week.
4. The new drug does not require a doctor's prescription.
2011년 7월 31일 일요일
2011년 7월 30일 토요일
7/30 Talk about the Korean sport, Jokgu
One popular recreational sporting event is Jokgu.
ex> He loves sports so much that he watchs every sporting event imaginable on TV.
It can get pretty intense and physically challenging.
ex> Running is physically challenging for people with heart problems.
Jokgu is commonly palyed at large outdoor gatherings.
ex> I love it when our church has these big outdoor gatherings.
Jokgu follows the rules of volleyball except that you can only use your feet and head.
ex> If we don't follow the rules, someone can get hurt.
Using your hands is against the rules.
ex> It's against the rules to bring cell phones into the exam room.
@ I come across this earring while I was cleaning, and it's not one of mine. 우연히 마주치다.
ex> He loves sports so much that he watchs every sporting event imaginable on TV.
It can get pretty intense and physically challenging.
ex> Running is physically challenging for people with heart problems.
Jokgu is commonly palyed at large outdoor gatherings.
ex> I love it when our church has these big outdoor gatherings.
Jokgu follows the rules of volleyball except that you can only use your feet and head.
ex> If we don't follow the rules, someone can get hurt.
Using your hands is against the rules.
ex> It's against the rules to bring cell phones into the exam room.
@ I come across this earring while I was cleaning, and it's not one of mine. 우연히 마주치다.
2011년 7월 29일 금요일
7/29 Talk about typical eating disorders.
Koreans have a much tougher standard when it comes to body weight.
It has a lot to do with how stars look on TV.
Because many celebrities are so rail thin, even people of average weight feel like they need to slim down.
* rail thin: 젖가락처럼 마른
* slim down: lose weight, 살을 빼다.
ex> Everybody tries to slim down a little for bikini season.
People will sometimes half-starve themselves to lose weight.
* half-starve: 반쯤 굶다.
ex> Bad pet owners will forget and half-starve their pets.
This is definitely unhealthy and could even lead to anorexia.
* anorexia: an emotional disorder, especially affecting young women, in which there is an abnormal fear of being fat, causing the person to stop eating, leading to dangerous weight loss.
ex> She looks so skinny that it's unhealthy and sickly looking.
Some will binge eat with others and purge in secret at home.
* binge eat: eating a lot
* purge: 1. rid someone of an unwanted feeling, memory, or condition. 2. physically remove sth completely, evacuate one's bowels, (먹은 것을) 다 토해내다.
ex> I was so hungry after not eating all day that I totally binge ate.
If you notice that one of your friends is constantly eating like a bird, you may want to keep your guard up.
* eat like a bird: 새처럼 조금 먹다.
* keep one's guard up: 경계심을 높이다.
Eating disorders can lead to lack of energy and malnutrition.
* malnutrition: a poor condition of health caused by a lack of food or a lack of the right type of food
ex> Many children in third world countries are struggling with starvation and malnutrition.
@ She'll come around eventually, but you have to be patient. ~익숙해지다, ~하게 되다.
1. You don't have to slim down at all.
2. Many models struggle with anorexia.
3. I decided to go on a diet but binge ate yeaterday.
4. Irregular meals can lead to eating disorder.
@ Morning Words
1. 나 스스로 꽤 만족스러워. I'm quite tickled, myself.
* tickle: 1) 간질이다, 2) 기쁘게 하다, 만족하게 하다.
ex> He was highly tickled at the idea.
2. 우리가 이 부분에 있어서는 최고 선두야. We are at the vanguard on this.
* vanguard: the leaders of a movement in society, for example in politics, art, industry, etc.
A: Is Tom's idea on the up-and-up? 탐의 계획은 믿을 만해? (be on the up-and-up = honest, truthful)
B: I don't think it's dishonest.
It has a lot to do with how stars look on TV.
Because many celebrities are so rail thin, even people of average weight feel like they need to slim down.
* rail thin: 젖가락처럼 마른
* slim down: lose weight, 살을 빼다.
ex> Everybody tries to slim down a little for bikini season.
People will sometimes half-starve themselves to lose weight.
* half-starve: 반쯤 굶다.
ex> Bad pet owners will forget and half-starve their pets.
This is definitely unhealthy and could even lead to anorexia.
* anorexia: an emotional disorder, especially affecting young women, in which there is an abnormal fear of being fat, causing the person to stop eating, leading to dangerous weight loss.
ex> She looks so skinny that it's unhealthy and sickly looking.
Some will binge eat with others and purge in secret at home.
* binge eat: eating a lot
* purge: 1. rid someone of an unwanted feeling, memory, or condition. 2. physically remove sth completely, evacuate one's bowels, (먹은 것을) 다 토해내다.
ex> I was so hungry after not eating all day that I totally binge ate.
If you notice that one of your friends is constantly eating like a bird, you may want to keep your guard up.
* eat like a bird: 새처럼 조금 먹다.
* keep one's guard up: 경계심을 높이다.
Eating disorders can lead to lack of energy and malnutrition.
* malnutrition: a poor condition of health caused by a lack of food or a lack of the right type of food
ex> Many children in third world countries are struggling with starvation and malnutrition.
@ She'll come around eventually, but you have to be patient. ~익숙해지다, ~하게 되다.
1. You don't have to slim down at all.
2. Many models struggle with anorexia.
3. I decided to go on a diet but binge ate yeaterday.
4. Irregular meals can lead to eating disorder.
@ Morning Words
1. 나 스스로 꽤 만족스러워. I'm quite tickled, myself.
* tickle: 1) 간질이다, 2) 기쁘게 하다, 만족하게 하다.
ex> He was highly tickled at the idea.
2. 우리가 이 부분에 있어서는 최고 선두야. We are at the vanguard on this.
* vanguard: the leaders of a movement in society, for example in politics, art, industry, etc.
A: Is Tom's idea on the up-and-up? 탐의 계획은 믿을 만해? (be on the up-and-up = honest, truthful)
B: I don't think it's dishonest.
2011년 7월 27일 수요일
7/27 Talk about dental care.
People most commonly visit the dentist to get cavity treatments or to get their teeth cleaned.
* get teeth cleaned: 스케일링을 하다.
ex> I love that slippery feeling right after I get my teeth cleaned.
Another common treatment is braces for people with crooked teeth.
* braces: 치아 교정기
* crooked teeth: 비뚤어진 치아, 덧니
ex> Crooked teeth often make people insecure about smiling widely.
Implants and veneers have become a common practice.
* veneer: 베니어, thin layer of porcelain bonded over a tooth surface, either to improve the aesthetics of a tooth, or to protect a damaged tooth surface.
* porcelain: 도자기
* aesthetics: 미용
ex> Don't be alarmed; these drills are common practice to ensure safety.
An implant is is essentially an artificial tooth with an artificial root drilled into place.
Whatever the reason for your visit, dental treatment can leave a huge dent in your wallet.
* leave a huge dent in one's wallet: 금전적인 타격을 주다.
ex> His children's college tuition left a hugh dent in his wallet.
@ Could I chip in some money for whatever you get? 뭐를 살지 모르지만 나도 좀 보태서 사면 안될까?
1. I'm going to visit the dentist to get cavity treatments.
2. I can't image you wearing braces.
3. This goes against the common practice in Korea.
4. The traffic accident left a hugh dent in my wallet.
* get teeth cleaned: 스케일링을 하다.
ex> I love that slippery feeling right after I get my teeth cleaned.
Another common treatment is braces for people with crooked teeth.
* braces: 치아 교정기
* crooked teeth: 비뚤어진 치아, 덧니
ex> Crooked teeth often make people insecure about smiling widely.
Implants and veneers have become a common practice.
* veneer: 베니어, thin layer of porcelain bonded over a tooth surface, either to improve the aesthetics of a tooth, or to protect a damaged tooth surface.
* porcelain: 도자기
* aesthetics: 미용
ex> Don't be alarmed; these drills are common practice to ensure safety.
An implant is is essentially an artificial tooth with an artificial root drilled into place.
Whatever the reason for your visit, dental treatment can leave a huge dent in your wallet.
* leave a huge dent in one's wallet: 금전적인 타격을 주다.
ex> His children's college tuition left a hugh dent in his wallet.
@ Could I chip in some money for whatever you get? 뭐를 살지 모르지만 나도 좀 보태서 사면 안될까?
1. I'm going to visit the dentist to get cavity treatments.
2. I can't image you wearing braces.
3. This goes against the common practice in Korea.
4. The traffic accident left a hugh dent in my wallet.
7/26 Talk about international roaming on your cell phone.
Some people choose to use international roaming on their cell phones.
The service allows you to use your cell outside of your mobile carrier's reach.
* mobile carrier: 통신사
It comes with hefty price tag.
* hefty price tag: 비싼 가격표, 높은 비용
ex> Plastic surgery can come with a hefty price tag, but many feel it's worth it.
Some find it's worth the cost, especially for business or emergency purposes.
* worth the cost: 비용만큼의 가치를 하다.
ex> The trip to Thailand was definitely worth the cost.
It really comes in handy when you can't afford to miss a call while on your trip.
* come in handy: 편리하다.
Not many would use international roaming for social reasons.
ex> These days, people use Facebook for more than just social reasons.
Your cell phone will pick up a signal from a local carrier wherever you are.
* pick up a signal: 신호를 감지하다.
Outgoing calls are normally more expensive than incoming calls.
* outgoing call: 발신전화, outbound call
* incoming call: 수신 전화,
ex> She looked through all of her boyfriend's outgoing and incoming calls.
@ I knew you were going to chicken out. 네가 겁먹고 포기할 줄 알았어.
The service allows you to use your cell outside of your mobile carrier's reach.
* mobile carrier: 통신사
It comes with hefty price tag.
* hefty price tag: 비싼 가격표, 높은 비용
ex> Plastic surgery can come with a hefty price tag, but many feel it's worth it.
Some find it's worth the cost, especially for business or emergency purposes.
* worth the cost: 비용만큼의 가치를 하다.
ex> The trip to Thailand was definitely worth the cost.
It really comes in handy when you can't afford to miss a call while on your trip.
* come in handy: 편리하다.
Not many would use international roaming for social reasons.
ex> These days, people use Facebook for more than just social reasons.
Your cell phone will pick up a signal from a local carrier wherever you are.
* pick up a signal: 신호를 감지하다.
Outgoing calls are normally more expensive than incoming calls.
* outgoing call: 발신전화, outbound call
* incoming call: 수신 전화,
ex> She looked through all of her boyfriend's outgoing and incoming calls.
@ I knew you were going to chicken out. 네가 겁먹고 포기할 줄 알았어.
2011년 7월 25일 월요일
7/25 Talk about Korean resident registration numbers.
All Koreans have something called a resident registration number.
* resident registration number: 주민등록번호
ex> There's something called universal remote controls that make life so much easier.
The first half of the numbers show a person's date of birth.
ex> You left the date of birth box blank on your application form.
The first number of the second block indicates the sex.
ex> Blushing indicates that the person is feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable.
The following numbers show the person's place of birth.
ex> Please take a look at the following documents for a closer look.
The district office issued the person's birth certificate.
* district office: 동사무소, 구청
* issue: 발급하다.
* birth certificate: 출생 신고서
ex> After I moved, I had to go to my new district office to notify them of my address change.
Alien registration numbers are almost the same. Men just start with a five while women a six.
@ Everyone was chewing me out behind my back.
1. Most Korean websites require one's resident registration number for membership.
2. Please write your date of birth (DOB) here.
3. It was bothersome having to submit my baby's birth certificate.
4. The areas marked in red indicate high-temperature regions.
@ Morning Words
1. 하찮은 거야. It's pretty rinky-dink.
* rinky-dink: old-fashioned, amateurish, or shoddy
2. 상식이잖아. 알 알겠지? Savvy? (= Do you understand?)
* savvy: practical knowledge or understanding of sth
@ Learn More
A: Ann is too trusting.
B: She's so gullible. 그녀는 귀가 얇아, 쉽게 속아 넘어가.
* gullible: easily persuaded to believe something; credulous.
* resident registration number: 주민등록번호
ex> There's something called universal remote controls that make life so much easier.
The first half of the numbers show a person's date of birth.
ex> You left the date of birth box blank on your application form.
The first number of the second block indicates the sex.
ex> Blushing indicates that the person is feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable.
The following numbers show the person's place of birth.
ex> Please take a look at the following documents for a closer look.
The district office issued the person's birth certificate.
* district office: 동사무소, 구청
* issue: 발급하다.
* birth certificate: 출생 신고서
ex> After I moved, I had to go to my new district office to notify them of my address change.
Alien registration numbers are almost the same. Men just start with a five while women a six.
@ Everyone was chewing me out behind my back.
1. Most Korean websites require one's resident registration number for membership.
2. Please write your date of birth (DOB) here.
3. It was bothersome having to submit my baby's birth certificate.
4. The areas marked in red indicate high-temperature regions.
@ Morning Words
1. 하찮은 거야. It's pretty rinky-dink.
* rinky-dink: old-fashioned, amateurish, or shoddy
2. 상식이잖아. 알 알겠지? Savvy? (= Do you understand?)
* savvy: practical knowledge or understanding of sth
@ Learn More
A: Ann is too trusting.
B: She's so gullible. 그녀는 귀가 얇아, 쉽게 속아 넘어가.
* gullible: easily persuaded to believe something; credulous.
2011년 7월 23일 토요일
7/23 Talk about how Koreans view public display of affection.
Every culture has its own set of rules for public display of affection (PDA).
* public display of affection (PDA): 공공장소에서 애정 표현
ex> We have our own set of rules in our department, different from the rest of the company.
Some types of affectionate behavior are acceptable.
* affectionate behavior : 애정 행각, showing caring feelings and love for sb
ex> His work isn't outstanding, but it's at least acceptable.
Others can be considered crossing the line.
* cross the line: 선을 넘다, 도가 지나치다. = out of line (Your behavior was out of line.)
ex> He talked about some racy things, but nothing is really crossing the line.
* racy: having a style that is exciting and amusing, sometimes in a way that is connected with sex
Time and place still play a big role with PDA.
ex> Just name the time and place and I'll be there.
One rule of thumb is to refrain from intimate behavior in public.
* rule of thumb: a quick, practical, but not exact, way of measuring or calculating sth, 일반적인 상식
ex> One rule of thumb when hosting a party is that it's better to have too much food than too little.
Even a light peck on the cheek can raise eyebrows especially if children or senior citizens are around.
* peck on the cheek: (informal) kiss sb lightly and quickly, 볼에 하는 뽀뽀
* raise eyebrows: 눈살을 찌푸리다.
French kissing and groping in the middle of the street would definitely make people extremely uncomfortable.
* grope: to try and find sth that you cannot see, by feeling with your hands, fondle, 손으로 더듬다.
@ You can check me off the list. 난 목록에서 지워 줘.
opp> put me on the list. 끼워줘.
1. My grandmother raises her eyebrows when she sees public display of affection.
2. The prices they offer are not acceptable.
3. I can't forgive him because he crossed the line.
4. YOu should refrain from drinking alcohol while taking medicine.
* public display of affection (PDA): 공공장소에서 애정 표현
ex> We have our own set of rules in our department, different from the rest of the company.
Some types of affectionate behavior are acceptable.
* affectionate behavior : 애정 행각, showing caring feelings and love for sb
ex> His work isn't outstanding, but it's at least acceptable.
Others can be considered crossing the line.
* cross the line: 선을 넘다, 도가 지나치다. = out of line (Your behavior was out of line.)
ex> He talked about some racy things, but nothing is really crossing the line.
* racy: having a style that is exciting and amusing, sometimes in a way that is connected with sex
Time and place still play a big role with PDA.
ex> Just name the time and place and I'll be there.
One rule of thumb is to refrain from intimate behavior in public.
* rule of thumb: a quick, practical, but not exact, way of measuring or calculating sth, 일반적인 상식
ex> One rule of thumb when hosting a party is that it's better to have too much food than too little.
Even a light peck on the cheek can raise eyebrows especially if children or senior citizens are around.
* peck on the cheek: (informal) kiss sb lightly and quickly, 볼에 하는 뽀뽀
* raise eyebrows: 눈살을 찌푸리다.
French kissing and groping in the middle of the street would definitely make people extremely uncomfortable.
* grope: to try and find sth that you cannot see, by feeling with your hands, fondle, 손으로 더듬다.
@ You can check me off the list. 난 목록에서 지워 줘.
opp> put me on the list. 끼워줘.
1. My grandmother raises her eyebrows when she sees public display of affection.
2. The prices they offer are not acceptable.
3. I can't forgive him because he crossed the line.
4. YOu should refrain from drinking alcohol while taking medicine.
2011년 7월 22일 금요일
7/22 Talk about naengmyun.
Naengmyun is the go-to dish in the summer in Korea.
* go-to dish: 대표적으로 찾는 음식
ex> Haejang-gook is the go-to dish for Koreans when they have a hangover.
The noodles are very thin and chewy.
* chewy: of food needing to be chewed a lot before it can be swallowed, 쫄깃한.
ex> Korean rice cake doesn't have an extreme flavor, but it's chewy in texture.
Mool naengmyun tastes sweet and sour and is served in icy cold broth.
* broth: thick soup made by boiling meat or fish and vegetables in water, 국물, 우려낸 것.
* sweet and sour: 새콤달콤한
ex> I really like the sweet and sour soup they serve at Chinese restaurants.
The dish is topped with julienned veggies, Korean pears, half of a hard-boiled egg, and thin slices of beef.
* julienned [dƷùːlién] veggies: 얇게 썬 채소
You can add mustard or vinegar if you want an extra kick to the flavor.
* extra kick: 추가적인 맛. 톡 쏘는 맛
ex> He always adds a lot of wasabi to his soy sauce because he wants an extra kick.
Bibim naengmyun is mixed with spicy red pepper paste sauce.
@ Thanks for checking up on me. 확인해 줘서 고마워.
1. 삼계탕 is the go-to dish in the summer in Korea.
2. Caramel candies are chewy and rich.
3. Add more mustard to get an extra kick.
4. Mix the veggies well with the sauce.
* go-to dish: 대표적으로 찾는 음식
ex> Haejang-gook is the go-to dish for Koreans when they have a hangover.
The noodles are very thin and chewy.
* chewy: of food needing to be chewed a lot before it can be swallowed, 쫄깃한.
ex> Korean rice cake doesn't have an extreme flavor, but it's chewy in texture.
Mool naengmyun tastes sweet and sour and is served in icy cold broth.
* broth: thick soup made by boiling meat or fish and vegetables in water, 국물, 우려낸 것.
* sweet and sour: 새콤달콤한
ex> I really like the sweet and sour soup they serve at Chinese restaurants.
The dish is topped with julienned veggies, Korean pears, half of a hard-boiled egg, and thin slices of beef.
* julienned [dƷùːlién] veggies: 얇게 썬 채소
You can add mustard or vinegar if you want an extra kick to the flavor.
* extra kick: 추가적인 맛. 톡 쏘는 맛
ex> He always adds a lot of wasabi to his soy sauce because he wants an extra kick.
Bibim naengmyun is mixed with spicy red pepper paste sauce.
@ Thanks for checking up on me. 확인해 줘서 고마워.
1. 삼계탕 is the go-to dish in the summer in Korea.
2. Caramel candies are chewy and rich.
3. Add more mustard to get an extra kick.
4. Mix the veggies well with the sauce.
2011년 7월 21일 목요일
7/21 Talk about Korean Bingsoo.
Bingsoo is ice flakes served with various toppings.
* ice flake: 얼음 조각
* be served with: ~과 함께 나오다.
ex> He was in the snow for so long that he had ice flakes all over his face.
One ingredient that often goes hand in hand with bingsoo is danpat.
* go hand in hand with: ~와 함께 가다, ~와 잘 어울리다.
ex> You need to realize that getting a tan goes hand in hand with the increased risk of skin cancer.
Danpat is what Koreans call sweetened red beans.
ex> Ae-gyo is what Koreans call a type of babyish charm. 소위 ~라고 불리는
Some other common toppings are small chunks of rice cake, bits of jelly and milk or ice cream.
Many bingsoo chains allow customers to create their own bingsoo.
ex> Eating at fast food chains too often is bad for you.
There's nothing like sharing a giant bowl of bingsoo with your friends on a hot summer day.
* there's nothing like: ~만한 것이 없다, ~이 최고다.
ex> There's nothing like fresh air on a day when you're full of stress.
@ I need to check something out before we leave. It's very important. ~을 확인하다.
1. I think it's a hassle to choose pizza toppings. 피자 토핑 고르는 거 귀찮아.
2. Theory and reality don't go hand in hand.
3. I dropped by a grocery shop chain to buy some vegetables.
4. There's nothing like spending time with your family.
@ Morning Words
1. 나쁘지 않은데. It's not half-bad.
2. 괜히 문제를 복잡하게 만들지마. Don't open that can of worms. (Don't mention it, I don't want to talk about it.)
@ TPL ( * That's because you + 과거 동사, 네가 ~했기 때문이야.)
Why are you giving me the cold shoulder?
That's because you yelled at me.
@ Learn more
Why are you so down in the mouth? 기운이 없다.
* ice flake: 얼음 조각
* be served with: ~과 함께 나오다.
ex> He was in the snow for so long that he had ice flakes all over his face.
One ingredient that often goes hand in hand with bingsoo is danpat.
* go hand in hand with: ~와 함께 가다, ~와 잘 어울리다.
ex> You need to realize that getting a tan goes hand in hand with the increased risk of skin cancer.
Danpat is what Koreans call sweetened red beans.
ex> Ae-gyo is what Koreans call a type of babyish charm. 소위 ~라고 불리는
Some other common toppings are small chunks of rice cake, bits of jelly and milk or ice cream.
Many bingsoo chains allow customers to create their own bingsoo.
ex> Eating at fast food chains too often is bad for you.
There's nothing like sharing a giant bowl of bingsoo with your friends on a hot summer day.
* there's nothing like: ~만한 것이 없다, ~이 최고다.
ex> There's nothing like fresh air on a day when you're full of stress.
@ I need to check something out before we leave. It's very important. ~을 확인하다.
1. I think it's a hassle to choose pizza toppings. 피자 토핑 고르는 거 귀찮아.
2. Theory and reality don't go hand in hand.
3. I dropped by a grocery shop chain to buy some vegetables.
4. There's nothing like spending time with your family.
@ Morning Words
1. 나쁘지 않은데. It's not half-bad.
2. 괜히 문제를 복잡하게 만들지마. Don't open that can of worms. (Don't mention it, I don't want to talk about it.)
@ TPL ( * That's because you + 과거 동사, 네가 ~했기 때문이야.)
Why are you giving me the cold shoulder?
That's because you yelled at me.
@ Learn more
Why are you so down in the mouth? 기운이 없다.
2011년 7월 20일 수요일
7/20 Talk about scuba diving.
The memories you get from scuba diving can last a lifetime.
* last a lifetime: 평생 가다
ex> Photos of a meaningful event can last a lifetime.
Being in an underwater environment is not natural to humans.
ex> Expressing my feelings is not natural for me.
Learning how to utilize the scuba gear safely is very important.
* gear: 장비
ex> Scuba gear needs to be checked regularly to ensure safety.
cf> safety gear: 보호장비
People have to take proper classes to become qualified for deeper and longer dives.
ex> Why don't your take classes on anger management?
ex> He studied hard to become qualified for that position.
Most of the sea creatures that people bump into are harmless.
* bump into (=encounter): run into, to meet sb by chance
The underwater world is a completely different place for people who have only seen it from outside of an aquarium.
@ I was planning to catch up on my reading. 그간 밀린 책 좀 읽으려고.
1. Happy memories of one's childhood last a lifetime.
2. Did you check the safety gear?
3. You have to pass the written test to become qualified.
4. I was quite surprised to bump into my ex-boyfriend there.
@ Morning Words
1. 너 많은 용기를 가지고 있구나. You've got a lot of moxie.
* moxie: (informal) courage, energy and determination
2. 그는 아주 옹고집이야. He is so mule-headed.
* mule: an animal that has a horse and a donkey as parents, used especially for carrying loads, 노새
* as stubborn as a mule: 아주 고집이 센
* last a lifetime: 평생 가다
ex> Photos of a meaningful event can last a lifetime.
Being in an underwater environment is not natural to humans.
ex> Expressing my feelings is not natural for me.
Learning how to utilize the scuba gear safely is very important.
* gear: 장비
ex> Scuba gear needs to be checked regularly to ensure safety.
cf> safety gear: 보호장비
People have to take proper classes to become qualified for deeper and longer dives.
ex> Why don't your take classes on anger management?
ex> He studied hard to become qualified for that position.
Most of the sea creatures that people bump into are harmless.
* bump into (=encounter): run into, to meet sb by chance
The underwater world is a completely different place for people who have only seen it from outside of an aquarium.
@ I was planning to catch up on my reading. 그간 밀린 책 좀 읽으려고.
1. Happy memories of one's childhood last a lifetime.
2. Did you check the safety gear?
3. You have to pass the written test to become qualified.
4. I was quite surprised to bump into my ex-boyfriend there.
@ Morning Words
1. 너 많은 용기를 가지고 있구나. You've got a lot of moxie.
* moxie: (informal) courage, energy and determination
2. 그는 아주 옹고집이야. He is so mule-headed.
* mule: an animal that has a horse and a donkey as parents, used especially for carrying loads, 노새
* as stubborn as a mule: 아주 고집이 센
7/19 Talk about water activities Koreans enjoy.
There are water parks with giant swimming pools and water slides.
* water slide: 물미끄럼틀
ex> He decided to take his children to the nearest water park for family fun.
ex> I went on a water side.
These places are great for family outings.
* family outing: 가족 나들이
ex> We decided to go on a family outing to the zoo this weekend.
You can get your adrenaline pumping with water splashing all over the place.
* splash: of liquid to fall noisily onto a surface
ex> Bungee jumping is a surefire way to get your adrenaline pumping.
cf> get the adrenaline going (rushing)
Banana boating is an activity you can enjoy in groups.
ex> Playing board games is something you should enjoy in groups.
People ride on a big banana-shaped tube being dragged by a boat.
ex> I was being dragged by my wife shopping all day.
@ It'll catch on soon, believe me. 곧 유행을 탈 거야, 두고 봐.
1. We went on a family outing to the park.
2. Action movies are the best to get your adrenaline pumping.
3. The game can be enjoyed in groups.
4. I was dragged here against my will.
@ Morning Words
1. 내가 한조각 먹어도 괜찮아? Is it kosher if I take a piece?
* kosher: of food prepared according to the rules of Jewish law, * Kosher 는 유대교에서 식사전에 기도하면서 음식에 축복을 내리는 행위로 이후에 먹어도 좋다는 뜻으로 변형. okay 의미
2. 그는 무기력증에 빠져있어. He's got a case of lazyitis.
* water slide: 물미끄럼틀
ex> He decided to take his children to the nearest water park for family fun.
ex> I went on a water side.
These places are great for family outings.
* family outing: 가족 나들이
ex> We decided to go on a family outing to the zoo this weekend.
You can get your adrenaline pumping with water splashing all over the place.
* splash: of liquid to fall noisily onto a surface
ex> Bungee jumping is a surefire way to get your adrenaline pumping.
cf> get the adrenaline going (rushing)
Banana boating is an activity you can enjoy in groups.
ex> Playing board games is something you should enjoy in groups.
People ride on a big banana-shaped tube being dragged by a boat.
ex> I was being dragged by my wife shopping all day.
@ It'll catch on soon, believe me. 곧 유행을 탈 거야, 두고 봐.
1. We went on a family outing to the park.
2. Action movies are the best to get your adrenaline pumping.
3. The game can be enjoyed in groups.
4. I was dragged here against my will.
@ Morning Words
1. 내가 한조각 먹어도 괜찮아? Is it kosher if I take a piece?
* kosher: of food prepared according to the rules of Jewish law, * Kosher 는 유대교에서 식사전에 기도하면서 음식에 축복을 내리는 행위로 이후에 먹어도 좋다는 뜻으로 변형. okay 의미
2. 그는 무기력증에 빠져있어. He's got a case of lazyitis.
2011년 7월 18일 월요일
7/18 Talk about typical summer vacations among Koreans.
The peak vacation season in Korea is from late July to early August.
* peak vacation season: 휴가 최고 성수기
ex> Korea is bustling with foreigners druing peak vacation season.
* bustle: to move around in a busy way or to hurry sb in a particular direction
Vacation hotspots get packed with people.
* get packed with people: 사람들로 넘쳐나다.
ex> The coffee shops get packed with people sick of the scorching heat.
It's needless to mention that the rates for everything go up.
* rates: 요금, 요율
ex> The rate of gold is going up as more people are investing in it.
People flock to beaches, mountains, lakes and to some of the many islands.
* flock to :~로 몰려들다.
ex> Everybody flocked to the bride to gush about how beautiful she looked.
People commonly take a week off for their summer vacations.
* take a week off: 일주일 휴가를 내다.
ex> I'm going to take a week off druing December to visit home.
@ I'm trying to bulk up for the summer. 여름을 대비해서 몸 만드는 중이야.
* peak vacation season: 휴가 최고 성수기
ex> Korea is bustling with foreigners druing peak vacation season.
* bustle: to move around in a busy way or to hurry sb in a particular direction
Vacation hotspots get packed with people.
* get packed with people: 사람들로 넘쳐나다.
ex> The coffee shops get packed with people sick of the scorching heat.
It's needless to mention that the rates for everything go up.
* rates: 요금, 요율
ex> The rate of gold is going up as more people are investing in it.
People flock to beaches, mountains, lakes and to some of the many islands.
* flock to :~로 몰려들다.
ex> Everybody flocked to the bride to gush about how beautiful she looked.
People commonly take a week off for their summer vacations.
* take a week off: 일주일 휴가를 내다.
ex> I'm going to take a week off druing December to visit home.
@ I'm trying to bulk up for the summer. 여름을 대비해서 몸 만드는 중이야.
2011년 7월 16일 토요일
7/16 Talk about college housing in Korea.
College students in Korea have several options when it comes to housing.
* housing: 주거형태
ex> Have you decided on housing for your freshman year at college?
Students aren't as eager to move out and live on their own.
ex> My son is so eager to go on a trip with his friends.
As long as the school isn't too far away, students generally commute from their parents' home.
* commute: 통근[통학]하다
ex> I like to catch up on my reading when I commute to work.
Some students rent small studios near campu, but this could be quite expensive.
* studio (apartment): 원룸
ex> I live by myself because my studio's not big enough for two.
Renting out a ha-sook bang is similar to renting out a room in a house.
* rent (out): 임대하다.
ex> He's planning on renting out an entire boat to accommodate for his business guests.
One great perk is that meals are provided.
* perk: 특전
@ I'm glad you're finally cashing in on all your hard work. 결실을 거둬들이다.
1. I wasn't eager to go on a trip with them.
2. How long does it take to commute to your workplace?
3. He sold his studio and move to an apartment.
4. Are you thinking of renting out a house?
@ Morning words
1. 그건 어쩔 수 없다고 생각해. It's inevitable, I'm sure.
2. 그는 괌으로 유람중이야. He is on a little jaunt to Guam. (jaunt: a short journey that you make for pleasure, jaunty: 유쾌한, 쾌활한)
* housing: 주거형태
ex> Have you decided on housing for your freshman year at college?
Students aren't as eager to move out and live on their own.
ex> My son is so eager to go on a trip with his friends.
As long as the school isn't too far away, students generally commute from their parents' home.
* commute: 통근[통학]하다
ex> I like to catch up on my reading when I commute to work.
Some students rent small studios near campu, but this could be quite expensive.
* studio (apartment): 원룸
ex> I live by myself because my studio's not big enough for two.
Renting out a ha-sook bang is similar to renting out a room in a house.
* rent (out): 임대하다.
ex> He's planning on renting out an entire boat to accommodate for his business guests.
One great perk is that meals are provided.
* perk: 특전
@ I'm glad you're finally cashing in on all your hard work. 결실을 거둬들이다.
1. I wasn't eager to go on a trip with them.
2. How long does it take to commute to your workplace?
3. He sold his studio and move to an apartment.
4. Are you thinking of renting out a house?
@ Morning words
1. 그건 어쩔 수 없다고 생각해. It's inevitable, I'm sure.
2. 그는 괌으로 유람중이야. He is on a little jaunt to Guam. (jaunt: a short journey that you make for pleasure, jaunty: 유쾌한, 쾌활한)
7/15 Talk about the age hierarchy in the Korean culture.
In Korean society, age plays a big factor.
* play a big factor: 큰 요인으로 작용하다.
ex> The weather plays a big factor in how the players perform on the field.
There is a strict age hierarchy in society.
* age hierarchy: 나이에 따른 위계질서
ex> Korean workplaces place a lot of importance on age hierarchy.
The hierarchy is based on Korea's Confucian roots.
* Confucian roots: 유교적 뿌리
Honorifics are well developed in the Korean language.
* honorifics: 존댓말
ex> Make sure to use honorifics when speaking to your superiors at work.
The same pecking order also applies to students and people at work.
* pecking order:서열
A lot of weight is put on the "senior-junior" relationship.
* put weight on: ~에 중요성을 부여하다.
* senior-junior relationship: 선후배 관계, 연공서열
@ You need to calm down. 좀 진정해.
You're acting like a spoiled brat. 너 지금 버릇없는 애처럼 굴고 있잖아.
1. The view played a big factor when I bought this house.
2. Age hierachy is very important in Korean society.
3. I use honorifics when I speak to him.
4. A lot of weight has been put on the project.
@ Morning Words
1. 난 쉴새없는 소음은 못참아. I can't stand incessant noise. (incessant: never stopping)
2. 계약서에 서명하는 게 내키지 않는데. I'm indisposed to sign the deal. (= I'm not disposed to..) (indisposed: unable to do sth because you are ill/sick, or for a reason you do not want to give unwell)
* play a big factor: 큰 요인으로 작용하다.
ex> The weather plays a big factor in how the players perform on the field.
There is a strict age hierarchy in society.
* age hierarchy: 나이에 따른 위계질서
ex> Korean workplaces place a lot of importance on age hierarchy.
The hierarchy is based on Korea's Confucian roots.
* Confucian roots: 유교적 뿌리
Honorifics are well developed in the Korean language.
* honorifics: 존댓말
ex> Make sure to use honorifics when speaking to your superiors at work.
The same pecking order also applies to students and people at work.
* pecking order:서열
A lot of weight is put on the "senior-junior" relationship.
* put weight on: ~에 중요성을 부여하다.
* senior-junior relationship: 선후배 관계, 연공서열
@ You need to calm down. 좀 진정해.
You're acting like a spoiled brat. 너 지금 버릇없는 애처럼 굴고 있잖아.
1. The view played a big factor when I bought this house.
2. Age hierachy is very important in Korean society.
3. I use honorifics when I speak to him.
4. A lot of weight has been put on the project.
@ Morning Words
1. 난 쉴새없는 소음은 못참아. I can't stand incessant noise. (incessant: never stopping)
2. 계약서에 서명하는 게 내키지 않는데. I'm indisposed to sign the deal. (= I'm not disposed to..) (indisposed: unable to do sth because you are ill/sick, or for a reason you do not want to give unwell)
2011년 7월 14일 목요일
7/14 Talk about the "bok-nal" in Korea.
In Korea, there are three days called 'sambok' that mark the hottest days of the summer.
ex> My birthday always seems to mark the hottest day of the summer season.
These dog days of summer follow the lunar calendar.
* dog days of summer: 복날, 무더운 여름날
ex> The dog days of summer are extremely hot and humid.
This year, the first dog day, called chobok, falls on July 14.
Joongbok often coincides with the peak vacation season.
* coincide with: ~와 맞아떨어지다.
ex> It really is unfortunate that your birthday coincides with Christmas.
It's a "fight the heat with heat" mentality.
* mentality: 정신, 사고방식
ex> You need to change your mentality to be more positive.
These special dishes will help you restore energy in the scorching heat.
* restore energy: 원기를 회복하다.
* scorching heat: burning heat, sweltering heat, 찌는 듯한 더위
ex> You need to get enough sleep every night to restore energy.
@ I'm calling off our wedding. 취소하다. 우리 결혼 취소해야겠어.
1. The dog days of summer are over but it's still hot.
2. My business trip coincides with her birthday.
3. I always try to have a positive mentality about the future.
4. A hot bath helps you restore energy.
ex> My birthday always seems to mark the hottest day of the summer season.
These dog days of summer follow the lunar calendar.
* dog days of summer: 복날, 무더운 여름날
ex> The dog days of summer are extremely hot and humid.
This year, the first dog day, called chobok, falls on July 14.
Joongbok often coincides with the peak vacation season.
* coincide with: ~와 맞아떨어지다.
ex> It really is unfortunate that your birthday coincides with Christmas.
It's a "fight the heat with heat" mentality.
* mentality: 정신, 사고방식
ex> You need to change your mentality to be more positive.
These special dishes will help you restore energy in the scorching heat.
* restore energy: 원기를 회복하다.
* scorching heat: burning heat, sweltering heat, 찌는 듯한 더위
ex> You need to get enough sleep every night to restore energy.
@ I'm calling off our wedding. 취소하다. 우리 결혼 취소해야겠어.
1. The dog days of summer are over but it's still hot.
2. My business trip coincides with her birthday.
3. I always try to have a positive mentality about the future.
4. A hot bath helps you restore energy.
2011년 7월 13일 수요일
7/13 Talk about transportation cards in Korea.
Owning a transportation card will make thing much easier.
ex> Having a car would definitely make things much easier.
It's kind of like a phone card because each use deducts a small amount until you have to recharge it.
* deduct: to take away money, points, etc. from a total amount
You can buy these transportation cards at subway stations, kiosks, and convenience stores.
* kiosk: 가판대
ex> I bought this hairpin at one of the many kiosks in the shopping mall.
Most credit cards have a built-in transortation card function in them.
* built-in: 내장된
ex> His Chair has a built-in massager along the back.
You get a small discount on bus or subway fares.
ex> I always get a small discount on my meal with my membership card.
Hi-Pass cards help you to whiz past tollgates on expressways.
* whiz past: to move very quickly, making a high continuous sound
ex> She just whiz past me like she didn't even see me.
You have to invest a little to get the Hi-Pass unit installed in your car, but the gadget will pay for itself over time.
* pay for itself: 투자한 만큼 가치를 발휘하다.
@ I'll call back later in the afternoon. 오후에 다시 전화할게요.
1. I left my transportation card behind in the taxi.
2. The kitchen has a built-in refrigerator.
3. You can get a 10 percent discount on clothes.
4. His car whiz past me.
ex> Having a car would definitely make things much easier.
It's kind of like a phone card because each use deducts a small amount until you have to recharge it.
* deduct: to take away money, points, etc. from a total amount
You can buy these transportation cards at subway stations, kiosks, and convenience stores.
* kiosk: 가판대
ex> I bought this hairpin at one of the many kiosks in the shopping mall.
Most credit cards have a built-in transortation card function in them.
* built-in: 내장된
ex> His Chair has a built-in massager along the back.
You get a small discount on bus or subway fares.
ex> I always get a small discount on my meal with my membership card.
Hi-Pass cards help you to whiz past tollgates on expressways.
* whiz past: to move very quickly, making a high continuous sound
ex> She just whiz past me like she didn't even see me.
You have to invest a little to get the Hi-Pass unit installed in your car, but the gadget will pay for itself over time.
* pay for itself: 투자한 만큼 가치를 발휘하다.
@ I'll call back later in the afternoon. 오후에 다시 전화할게요.
1. I left my transportation card behind in the taxi.
2. The kitchen has a built-in refrigerator.
3. You can get a 10 percent discount on clothes.
4. His car whiz past me.
7/12 Talk about what you put in your wallet.
My wallet carries all the things that I need on a daily basis.
ex> She was checked in to a hospital because she needed treatment on a daily basis.
There's my resident registration card up in the front for easy access.
* easy access: 용이한 접근성
ex> I keep some cough drops on my desk at work for easy access.
The rest of my cards are in order of importance.
* in order of importance: 중요도 순서대로.
ex> You should organize your files in order of importance.
My gas station mileage card is frequently used.
I have to clean out the stack of business cards from my wallet every now and then.
* stack: 쌓여 있는 뭉치
* clean out: 말끔히 청소하다
ex> His mother told him to clean out his closet before dinner.
@ The fire burned down half the office. 사무실 절반을 전부 태워 버렸어.
1. I write a journal on a daily basis.
2. Arrange what you should do in order of importance.
3. They offer free car washes to those who have gas station mileage cards.
4. Please clean out my fridge while I'm out.
ex> She was checked in to a hospital because she needed treatment on a daily basis.
There's my resident registration card up in the front for easy access.
* easy access: 용이한 접근성
ex> I keep some cough drops on my desk at work for easy access.
The rest of my cards are in order of importance.
* in order of importance: 중요도 순서대로.
ex> You should organize your files in order of importance.
My gas station mileage card is frequently used.
I have to clean out the stack of business cards from my wallet every now and then.
* stack: 쌓여 있는 뭉치
* clean out: 말끔히 청소하다
ex> His mother told him to clean out his closet before dinner.
@ The fire burned down half the office. 사무실 절반을 전부 태워 버렸어.
1. I write a journal on a daily basis.
2. Arrange what you should do in order of importance.
3. They offer free car washes to those who have gas station mileage cards.
4. Please clean out my fridge while I'm out.
2011년 7월 11일 월요일
7/11 Talk about physical therapy.
It's very hard to get back on one's feet after a physical injury.
* get back on one's feet: 회복하다, 재기하다.
ex> It's going to take a while before she gets back on her feet from this last breakup.
Whether it's a broken bone, a torn ligament, or just a simple sprain, an injury can last a long time.
* torn ligament: 인대파열
One of the ways a person can prevent side effects is through physical therapy or rehabilitation.
* rehabilitation: 재활 치료
ex> If you follow the doctor's instructions, you can prevent side effects from the medicien.
The area in question usually must be immobilized.
* in question: 문제의
ex> The suspect in question will be detained until further notice.
ex> If you get a fracture wound, the injured area must be immobilized.
A physical therapist will help walk the patient through the process.
* walk someone through: ~을 자세히 이끌어 주다. 설명해 주다.
ex> I'll ask my brother to walk you through the process.
Proper physical therapy can reduce the many after-effects of an injury.
* after-effect: the after-effects of a drug, an illness or an unpleasant event are the feelings that you experience later as a result of it.
ex> There were many economic after-effects from the oil price hike.
@ If you keep going now, you'll probably burn out. 계속 지금처럼 하다간 지쳐 버릴 거야.
1. It took three months to get back on my feet after the surgery.
2. The medicine is good for diets but is known to have side effects.
3. Who in the world is the man in question? 문제의 그 남자가 도대체 누구니?
4. She will walk you through the process.
* get back on one's feet: 회복하다, 재기하다.
ex> It's going to take a while before she gets back on her feet from this last breakup.
Whether it's a broken bone, a torn ligament, or just a simple sprain, an injury can last a long time.
* torn ligament: 인대파열
One of the ways a person can prevent side effects is through physical therapy or rehabilitation.
* rehabilitation: 재활 치료
ex> If you follow the doctor's instructions, you can prevent side effects from the medicien.
The area in question usually must be immobilized.
* in question: 문제의
ex> The suspect in question will be detained until further notice.
ex> If you get a fracture wound, the injured area must be immobilized.
A physical therapist will help walk the patient through the process.
* walk someone through: ~을 자세히 이끌어 주다. 설명해 주다.
ex> I'll ask my brother to walk you through the process.
Proper physical therapy can reduce the many after-effects of an injury.
* after-effect: the after-effects of a drug, an illness or an unpleasant event are the feelings that you experience later as a result of it.
ex> There were many economic after-effects from the oil price hike.
@ If you keep going now, you'll probably burn out. 계속 지금처럼 하다간 지쳐 버릴 거야.
1. It took three months to get back on my feet after the surgery.
2. The medicine is good for diets but is known to have side effects.
3. Who in the world is the man in question? 문제의 그 남자가 도대체 누구니?
4. She will walk you through the process.
2011년 7월 9일 토요일
7/9 Talk about grilled shellfish/clams
Grilled shellfish is a popular delicacy in Korea.
* delicacy: a type of food considered to be very special in a particular place, 별미
Grilled shellfish restaurants are everywhere, especially in costal regions.
ex> You'll see that college students are everywhere in areas like Hongdae or Sinchon.
Employees solicit customers to come eat at their restaurants.
* solicit: to ask sb for sth, such as support, money, or information, 호객 행위를 하다.
ex> There are many people soliciting customers on busy streets.
ex> He was taken in for questioning after attempting to solicit a bribe.
You will see a table with an open pit barbeque built in.
* open pit barbeque: 위가 뚫려 있는 석쇠
* built in: 내장되어 있는
ex> You may like this car because it has a GPS already built in.
You will get a pair of tongs, gloves, and a variety of shellfish.
* a pair of tongs: 집개
ex> Grab a pair of tongs from the drawer to cook the meat.
That's how you know they're fully cooked and good to eat.
ex> You have to make sure pork is fully cooked before eating it.
@ I hate having to bundle up in the winter. 난 겨울에 옷을 껴입어야 하는 게 싫어.
1. Grilled shellfish is my favorite dish.
2. This advertisement will solicit new customers.
3. My cell phone has a built in camera.
4. Grab the meat on the grill with a pair of tong.
* delicacy: a type of food considered to be very special in a particular place, 별미
Grilled shellfish restaurants are everywhere, especially in costal regions.
ex> You'll see that college students are everywhere in areas like Hongdae or Sinchon.
Employees solicit customers to come eat at their restaurants.
* solicit: to ask sb for sth, such as support, money, or information, 호객 행위를 하다.
ex> There are many people soliciting customers on busy streets.
ex> He was taken in for questioning after attempting to solicit a bribe.
You will see a table with an open pit barbeque built in.
* open pit barbeque: 위가 뚫려 있는 석쇠
* built in: 내장되어 있는
ex> You may like this car because it has a GPS already built in.
You will get a pair of tongs, gloves, and a variety of shellfish.
* a pair of tongs: 집개
ex> Grab a pair of tongs from the drawer to cook the meat.
That's how you know they're fully cooked and good to eat.
ex> You have to make sure pork is fully cooked before eating it.
@ I hate having to bundle up in the winter. 난 겨울에 옷을 껴입어야 하는 게 싫어.
1. Grilled shellfish is my favorite dish.
2. This advertisement will solicit new customers.
3. My cell phone has a built in camera.
4. Grab the meat on the grill with a pair of tong.
7/8 Talk about the various buffet restaurants in Korea.
Buffets are great for people with an appetite larger than the average person.
ex> I have a larger appetite compared to average person.
cf> average Joe [Jane]: ordinary person
They offer a large variety of foods in one location.
ex> He has such a large variety of tools that he can fix anything.
Buffets in Korea vary from the cheaper family restaurants to the more lavish buffets at hotels.
* lavish: large in amount, or impressive, and usually costing a lot of money
Several seafood buffets have opened up in the larger cities.
ex> I heard that the new coffee shop finally opened up this week.
You can get the biggest bang for your buck.
* bang for one's buck: if you get more, better, etc. bang for your buck, you get better value for the money you spend or the effort you put in to sth. 본전을 뽑다.
ex> I always try to get the biggest bang for my buck when I'm shopping.
A buffet catering service is an excellent option for weddings.
* buffet catering service: 출장 뷔페 서비스
ex> Catering services can get pretty pricey for special events.
@ It's funny bumping into you here. 여기서 우연히 너와 마주치다니.
1. There is a large variety of book in the library.
2. It's very convenient that all severces are offered in one location.
3. I'll help you get the biggest bang for your buck.
4. She used a catering service for her baby's first birthday party.
ex> I have a larger appetite compared to average person.
cf> average Joe [Jane]: ordinary person
They offer a large variety of foods in one location.
ex> He has such a large variety of tools that he can fix anything.
Buffets in Korea vary from the cheaper family restaurants to the more lavish buffets at hotels.
* lavish: large in amount, or impressive, and usually costing a lot of money
Several seafood buffets have opened up in the larger cities.
ex> I heard that the new coffee shop finally opened up this week.
You can get the biggest bang for your buck.
* bang for one's buck: if you get more, better, etc. bang for your buck, you get better value for the money you spend or the effort you put in to sth. 본전을 뽑다.
ex> I always try to get the biggest bang for my buck when I'm shopping.
A buffet catering service is an excellent option for weddings.
* buffet catering service: 출장 뷔페 서비스
ex> Catering services can get pretty pricey for special events.
@ It's funny bumping into you here. 여기서 우연히 너와 마주치다니.
1. There is a large variety of book in the library.
2. It's very convenient that all severces are offered in one location.
3. I'll help you get the biggest bang for your buck.
4. She used a catering service for her baby's first birthday party.
2011년 7월 7일 목요일
7/7 Talk about debit cards.
Credit cards allow you to spend money you don't have, on credit.
* on credit: 신용카드로, 외상으로
ex> Companies buy materials in bulk from vendors on credit.
Debit cards only allow you to use the money you have in your account.
* debit card (= check card): 직불/체크카드
ex> Did you check if you have enough money in your account?
When you open up a bank account, most banks issue you a debit card.
* open up a bank account: 은행 계좌를 개설하다.
* issue: 발급하다.
ex> Can you help me to open up a bank account?
With a quick swipe of your card, your purchase amount is deducted from your bank account.
* deduct: 공제하다.
* swipe: 긁기;긁다.
ex> I know the waitress so she deducted one of my appetizers from the bill.
You are required to sign to confirm your transaction.
* transaction: 거래
Debit cards are becoming more popular among students who are not eligible for a credit card.
ex> I'm sorry, but employees are not eligible for the giveaway.
* giveaway: something that a company gives free, usually with sth else that is for sale
@ You're trying to build up your investment portfolio? 너 투자 포트폴리오를 쌓아가려는 거야?
1. I bought this dishwasher on credit.
2. Using debit cards can help reduce your expenditure.
3. Taxes are deducted from my monthly paycheck.
4. Am I eligible for a student loan?
@ Morning Words
1. 그건 거짓 눈물이야. Those are crocodile tears.
2. 그는 그 일에 적임이 아니야. He couldn't cut it.
ex> John cut out for teaching.
@ Learn more
What happens if you are late?
My mom will bombard me with questions. 질문공세를 하다.
* on credit: 신용카드로, 외상으로
ex> Companies buy materials in bulk from vendors on credit.
Debit cards only allow you to use the money you have in your account.
* debit card (= check card): 직불/체크카드
ex> Did you check if you have enough money in your account?
When you open up a bank account, most banks issue you a debit card.
* open up a bank account: 은행 계좌를 개설하다.
* issue: 발급하다.
ex> Can you help me to open up a bank account?
With a quick swipe of your card, your purchase amount is deducted from your bank account.
* deduct: 공제하다.
* swipe: 긁기;긁다.
ex> I know the waitress so she deducted one of my appetizers from the bill.
You are required to sign to confirm your transaction.
* transaction: 거래
Debit cards are becoming more popular among students who are not eligible for a credit card.
ex> I'm sorry, but employees are not eligible for the giveaway.
* giveaway: something that a company gives free, usually with sth else that is for sale
@ You're trying to build up your investment portfolio? 너 투자 포트폴리오를 쌓아가려는 거야?
1. I bought this dishwasher on credit.
2. Using debit cards can help reduce your expenditure.
3. Taxes are deducted from my monthly paycheck.
4. Am I eligible for a student loan?
@ Morning Words
1. 그건 거짓 눈물이야. Those are crocodile tears.
2. 그는 그 일에 적임이 아니야. He couldn't cut it.
ex> John cut out for teaching.
@ Learn more
What happens if you are late?
My mom will bombard me with questions. 질문공세를 하다.
2011년 7월 6일 수요일
7/6 Talk about daycare centers and kindergartens in Korea.
It is typically for babies or kids up to four years old.
ex> I think this ride is suitable for kids who are up to four years old.
It's a daycare center that focuses more on childcare rather than education.
ex> He dropped off his daughter at the daycare center.
유치원 are more like preschools or kindergartens in the West.
ex> The preschools in this neighborhood are considered to be top-notch.
They are more education-focused.
ex> He's so education-focused that he doesn't care about having fun.
These facilities offer both half-day and full-day programs.
ex> I can meet you for lunch because I only work half-day today.
With the growing number of working moms in Korea, thse childcare services are becoming more and more important.
@ You'd better brush up on your presentation skill first. 너 연설 기술을 좀 연마해야겠다.
1. The government increased financial aid for daycare centers.
2. I've decided to send my 6-year old daughter to a kindergarten.
3. This TV program is education-focused.
4. The art museum offers a half-day tour program.
ex> I think this ride is suitable for kids who are up to four years old.
It's a daycare center that focuses more on childcare rather than education.
ex> He dropped off his daughter at the daycare center.
유치원 are more like preschools or kindergartens in the West.
ex> The preschools in this neighborhood are considered to be top-notch.
They are more education-focused.
ex> He's so education-focused that he doesn't care about having fun.
These facilities offer both half-day and full-day programs.
ex> I can meet you for lunch because I only work half-day today.
With the growing number of working moms in Korea, thse childcare services are becoming more and more important.
@ You'd better brush up on your presentation skill first. 너 연설 기술을 좀 연마해야겠다.
1. The government increased financial aid for daycare centers.
2. I've decided to send my 6-year old daughter to a kindergarten.
3. This TV program is education-focused.
4. The art museum offers a half-day tour program.
2011년 7월 5일 화요일
7/5 Talk about the increasing number of working moms in Korea.
Whereas men used to be the main breadwinners, more women are jumping into the labor market.
* breadwinner: a person who supports their family with the money they earn.
ex> Many college students are eager to jump into the labor market.
These mothers have a lot on their plates.
ex> You must have a lot on your plate because you look stressed.
They have to juggle their work, household chores, and childcare.
* juggle: 동시에 ~을 하다.
Husbands who help around the house can make life easier for women.
* help around the house (= help out at home): 집안일을 돕다.
ex> My mom loves my older brother because he helps around the house.
ex> It's safe to say that the internet has made life easier for mankind.
If the family is well-off, they can hire outside help.
* be well-off: 형편이 넉넉하다.
ex> Ever since both my parents started working, we've been better off.
Some parents or in-laws lend a hand with childcare.
* lend a hand with: ~을 돕다.
ex> A kind man lent a hand with my groceries.
@ My parents had a hard time bringing us up. 우리 부모님께서 우리 키울 때 많이 고생하셨대.
1. The man used to be a main breadwinner in the family.
2. I'm sorry but I have a lot on my plate at the moment.
3. He has helped around the house ever since he was a kid.
4. My family wasn't well-off when I was a young kid.
* breadwinner: a person who supports their family with the money they earn.
ex> Many college students are eager to jump into the labor market.
These mothers have a lot on their plates.
ex> You must have a lot on your plate because you look stressed.
They have to juggle their work, household chores, and childcare.
* juggle: 동시에 ~을 하다.
Husbands who help around the house can make life easier for women.
* help around the house (= help out at home): 집안일을 돕다.
ex> My mom loves my older brother because he helps around the house.
ex> It's safe to say that the internet has made life easier for mankind.
If the family is well-off, they can hire outside help.
* be well-off: 형편이 넉넉하다.
ex> Ever since both my parents started working, we've been better off.
Some parents or in-laws lend a hand with childcare.
* lend a hand with: ~을 돕다.
ex> A kind man lent a hand with my groceries.
@ My parents had a hard time bringing us up. 우리 부모님께서 우리 키울 때 많이 고생하셨대.
1. The man used to be a main breadwinner in the family.
2. I'm sorry but I have a lot on my plate at the moment.
3. He has helped around the house ever since he was a kid.
4. My family wasn't well-off when I was a young kid.
2011년 7월 4일 월요일
7/4 Talk about the Shutdown System.
Online game addiction has become a very serious issue in Korea.
ex> I think the high suicide rate in Korea is a very serious issue.
Against this backdrop, the Korean government has recently taken action on this matter.
* against this backdrop: 이러한 상황에서
* take action on: ~에 대한 조치를 취하다.
A controversial bill that bans online game access for minors late at night was passed
ex> I'm sorry, but you do not have access into this part of the building.
The Shutdown System prevents minors from logging in from midnight to 6AM.
ex> Would you mind logging in to my email account to forward a message for me?
Children will hopefully curb their online gaming habits.
* curb: 줄이다. 억제하다.
ex> I'm hoping that these nicotine patches will curb my smoking habit.
The main reason some are against this bill is that it infringes on the rights of game users.
* infringe on: violate, ~을 침해하다.
Online game companies are obviously not in favor of the Shutdown System.
* be in favor of: ~을 찬성하다.
cf> not in favor of = against
ex> Are you in favor of the new law that the government is about to pass?
@ I brought in some donus today. 오늘 도넛을 좀 가져왔어.
ex> I think the high suicide rate in Korea is a very serious issue.
Against this backdrop, the Korean government has recently taken action on this matter.
* against this backdrop: 이러한 상황에서
* take action on: ~에 대한 조치를 취하다.
A controversial bill that bans online game access for minors late at night was passed
ex> I'm sorry, but you do not have access into this part of the building.
The Shutdown System prevents minors from logging in from midnight to 6AM.
ex> Would you mind logging in to my email account to forward a message for me?
Children will hopefully curb their online gaming habits.
* curb: 줄이다. 억제하다.
ex> I'm hoping that these nicotine patches will curb my smoking habit.
The main reason some are against this bill is that it infringes on the rights of game users.
* infringe on: violate, ~을 침해하다.
Online game companies are obviously not in favor of the Shutdown System.
* be in favor of: ~을 찬성하다.
cf> not in favor of = against
ex> Are you in favor of the new law that the government is about to pass?
@ I brought in some donus today. 오늘 도넛을 좀 가져왔어.
2011년 7월 2일 토요일
7/2 Talk about how women get manicures.
Getting one's nails done has become very popular in Korea.
* manicure: 손톱 관리
* get one's nails done: 솥톱 손질을 받다.
ex> Getting your nails done is a great way to relax and get pampered.
* pamper: to take care of sb very well and make them feel as comfortable as possible
A manicure is a form of personal grooming and a fashion statement for ladies.
* groom: 외모를 가꾸다.
ex> Getting your hair done on a regular basis is a form of personal grooming.
The service includes trimming cuticles, shaping nails, and a basic hand massage.
* cuticle: an area of hard skin at the base of the nails on the fingers and toes
ex> A basic manicure usually starts with trimming your cuticles.
Pedicures help get rid of the calluses on feet.
* callus: an area of thick hard skin on a hand or foot, usually caused by rubbing
ex> You can use this tool to get rid of the calluses on feet.
Most salons offer packages of ten sessions upfront.
ex> I think it's cheaper to get a package of ten sessions upfront.
Customers can get discounts and special perks for these package deals.
* special perks: 특전, 특별혜택
@ I want to bring on some extra people to work on our project.
1. When did you last get your nails done?
2. She massaged my hands and trimmed my cuticles.
3. I have a lot of calluses on my feet because I wear high heels very day.
4. It was foolish of me to pay for 10 massage upfront.
* manicure: 손톱 관리
* get one's nails done: 솥톱 손질을 받다.
ex> Getting your nails done is a great way to relax and get pampered.
* pamper: to take care of sb very well and make them feel as comfortable as possible
A manicure is a form of personal grooming and a fashion statement for ladies.
* groom: 외모를 가꾸다.
ex> Getting your hair done on a regular basis is a form of personal grooming.
The service includes trimming cuticles, shaping nails, and a basic hand massage.
* cuticle: an area of hard skin at the base of the nails on the fingers and toes
ex> A basic manicure usually starts with trimming your cuticles.
Pedicures help get rid of the calluses on feet.
* callus: an area of thick hard skin on a hand or foot, usually caused by rubbing
ex> You can use this tool to get rid of the calluses on feet.
Most salons offer packages of ten sessions upfront.
ex> I think it's cheaper to get a package of ten sessions upfront.
Customers can get discounts and special perks for these package deals.
* special perks: 특전, 특별혜택
@ I want to bring on some extra people to work on our project.
1. When did you last get your nails done?
2. She massaged my hands and trimmed my cuticles.
3. I have a lot of calluses on my feet because I wear high heels very day.
4. It was foolish of me to pay for 10 massage upfront.
2011년 7월 1일 금요일
7/1 Talk about our sodium intake.
Just like anything else in life, people should be aware of their sodium intake.
ex> We should be aware of what we eat.
cf> take in: consume, 섭취하다.
Too little sodium can cause people to vomit or lose their appetites.
ex> I always feel like I want to vomit when I'm sea sick.
Some people may even feel lethargic.
* lethargic: sluggish, the state of not having any energy or enthusiasm for doing things
ex> If you feel lethargic all the time, you may need to change your lifestyle.
Taking it too much sodium can cause high blood pressure, heart disease, and even stomach cancer.
ex> I've been gaining weight because I'm taking in too much carbs.
Koreans tend to consume too much salt.
ex> Whenever I consume too much sugar, I get hyper.
If you look at some staple Korean dishes, it's easy to see why.
* staple dish: 주식으로 먹는 요리
Two of the most representative dishes, kimchi and jjigae, are chock full of salt.
* chock full of: ~로 가득찬 (강조), whole bunch of sth,
@ You still have a month to bring up grades.
ex> We should be aware of what we eat.
cf> take in: consume, 섭취하다.
Too little sodium can cause people to vomit or lose their appetites.
ex> I always feel like I want to vomit when I'm sea sick.
Some people may even feel lethargic.
* lethargic: sluggish, the state of not having any energy or enthusiasm for doing things
ex> If you feel lethargic all the time, you may need to change your lifestyle.
Taking it too much sodium can cause high blood pressure, heart disease, and even stomach cancer.
ex> I've been gaining weight because I'm taking in too much carbs.
Koreans tend to consume too much salt.
ex> Whenever I consume too much sugar, I get hyper.
If you look at some staple Korean dishes, it's easy to see why.
* staple dish: 주식으로 먹는 요리
Two of the most representative dishes, kimchi and jjigae, are chock full of salt.
* chock full of: ~로 가득찬 (강조), whole bunch of sth,
@ You still have a month to bring up grades.
6/30 Talk about how you deal with mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes are a pain anywhere.
* pain: 골칫거리
ex> Filling out all these papers is a pain, but it has to be done.
Korean mosquitoes are no exception especially during the summer season.
* be no exception: 예외가 아니다.
You can get one of those electric anti-mosquito kits that you plug in.
ex> You can plug in your laptop in the living room.
There are also electric zappers that are like an upgraded version of fly swatters.
* electric zapper: 전기 파리채/모기채
cf> zap: to destroy, kill or hit sb/sth suddenly and with force
* fly swatter: 파리채
Spraying bug repellant may also help fight off the mosquitoes.
* bug repellant: 벌레약
Try your best not to scratch (at) the bite!
ex> If you scratch the bite, it will only make the itch worse.
@ Can you bring it back after you're done? 다 쓰면 돌려줘!
* pain: 골칫거리
ex> Filling out all these papers is a pain, but it has to be done.
Korean mosquitoes are no exception especially during the summer season.
* be no exception: 예외가 아니다.
You can get one of those electric anti-mosquito kits that you plug in.
ex> You can plug in your laptop in the living room.
There are also electric zappers that are like an upgraded version of fly swatters.
* electric zapper: 전기 파리채/모기채
cf> zap: to destroy, kill or hit sb/sth suddenly and with force
* fly swatter: 파리채
Spraying bug repellant may also help fight off the mosquitoes.
* bug repellant: 벌레약
Try your best not to scratch (at) the bite!
ex> If you scratch the bite, it will only make the itch worse.
@ Can you bring it back after you're done? 다 쓰면 돌려줘!
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