
2011년 7월 27일 수요일

7/27 Talk about dental care.

People most commonly visit the dentist to get cavity treatments or to get their teeth cleaned.
* get teeth cleaned: 스케일링을 하다.
ex> I love that slippery feeling right after I get my teeth cleaned.

Another common treatment is braces for people with crooked teeth.
* braces: 치아 교정기
* crooked teeth: 비뚤어진 치아, 덧니
ex> Crooked teeth often make people insecure about smiling widely.

Implants and veneers have become a common practice.
* veneer: 베니어, thin layer of porcelain bonded over a tooth surface, either to improve the aesthetics of a tooth, or to protect a damaged tooth surface.
* porcelain: 도자기
* aesthetics: 미용
ex> Don't be alarmed; these drills are common practice to ensure safety.

An implant is is essentially an artificial tooth with an artificial root drilled into place.

Whatever the reason for your visit, dental treatment can leave a huge dent in your wallet.
* leave a huge dent in one's wallet: 금전적인 타격을 주다.
ex> His children's college tuition left a hugh dent in his wallet.

@ Could I chip in some money for whatever you get?  뭐를 살지 모르지만 나도 좀 보태서 사면 안될까?

1. I'm going to visit the dentist to get cavity treatments.
2. I can't image you wearing braces.
3. This goes against the common practice in Korea.
4. The traffic accident left a hugh dent in my wallet.

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