The memories you get from scuba diving can last a lifetime.
* last a lifetime: 평생 가다
ex> Photos of a meaningful event can last a lifetime.
Being in an underwater environment is not natural to humans.
ex> Expressing my feelings is not natural for me.
Learning how to utilize the scuba gear safely is very important.
* gear: 장비
ex> Scuba gear needs to be checked regularly to ensure safety.
cf> safety gear: 보호장비
People have to take proper classes to become qualified for deeper and longer dives.
ex> Why don't your take classes on anger management?
ex> He studied hard to become qualified for that position.
Most of the sea creatures that people bump into are harmless.
* bump into (=encounter): run into, to meet sb by chance
The underwater world is a completely different place for people who have only seen it from outside of an aquarium.
@ I was planning to catch up on my reading. 그간 밀린 책 좀 읽으려고.
1. Happy memories of one's childhood last a lifetime.
2. Did you check the safety gear?
3. You have to pass the written test to become qualified.
4. I was quite surprised to bump into my ex-boyfriend there.
@ Morning Words
1. 너 많은 용기를 가지고 있구나. You've got a lot of moxie.
* moxie: (informal) courage, energy and determination
2. 그는 아주 옹고집이야. He is so mule-headed.
* mule: an animal that has a horse and a donkey as parents, used especially for carrying loads, 노새
* as stubborn as a mule: 아주 고집이 센
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