
2011년 7월 7일 목요일

7/7 Talk about debit cards.

Credit cards allow you to spend money you don't have, on credit.
* on credit: 신용카드로, 외상으로
ex> Companies buy materials in bulk from vendors on credit.

Debit cards only allow you to use the money you have in your account.
* debit card (= check card): 직불/체크카드
ex> Did you check if you have enough money in your account?

When you open up a bank account, most banks issue you a debit card.
* open up a bank account: 은행 계좌를 개설하다.
* issue: 발급하다.
ex> Can you help me to open up a bank account?

With a quick swipe of your card, your purchase amount is deducted from your bank account.
* deduct: 공제하다.
* swipe: 긁기;긁다.
ex> I know the waitress so she deducted one of my appetizers from the bill.

You are required to sign to confirm your transaction.
* transaction: 거래

Debit cards are becoming more popular among students who are not eligible for a credit card.
ex> I'm sorry, but employees are not eligible for the giveaway.
* giveaway: something that a company gives free, usually with sth else that is for sale

@ You're trying to build up your investment portfolio? 너 투자 포트폴리오를 쌓아가려는 거야?

1. I bought this dishwasher on credit.
2. Using debit cards can help reduce your expenditure.
3. Taxes are deducted from my monthly paycheck.
4. Am I eligible for a student loan?

@ Morning Words
1. 그건 거짓 눈물이야.  Those are crocodile tears.
2. 그는 그 일에 적임이 아니야.  He couldn't cut it.
ex> John cut out for teaching.

@ Learn more
What happens if you are late?
 My mom will bombard me with questions.  질문공세를 하다.

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