
2014년 12월 8일 월요일

PE 12/3 Filling in for a Sick Co-worker

Food poisoning? I think she just might be hung over! I saw her last night with a group of girls downtown going into a bar.
* be hung over: to have a headache and possible stomach trouble related to the previous night’s drinking.
ex> She woke up hung over, but took a long, hot shower and went to work anyway.

Are you serious? That girl needs to clean up her act! I’m tired of her shenanigans.
* clean up one’s act: to make changes to one’s lifestyle or attitude
ex> If you don’t clean up your act, you’re going to be kicked out of the house!
* shenanigan: 사기, 속임수

Don’t jump the gun. There is a slight possibility that she really is sick and not hung over.
* jump the gun: to start too early; do something without thought
ex> Don’t jump the gun and buy the first car you see.
Note> An athlete starting a race before the starting pistol has been fired is said to be “jumping the gun.”

I hope she is for her sake. Anyway, I’ll start setting up the dining room. We have a group of 15 coming in right at noon.
* for one’s sake: for the benefit of someone
ex> For your sake, I hope you brought a sweater, because it’s going to be cold tonight.

I wouldn’t want to step on her toes and risk giving them better service than her.

If she isn’t sick she’s going to be missing out on more than just a big tip from some rich businessmen – she’s going to be relegated to the worst shifts in the smoking section for the next month!
* relegate: 좌천시키다

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