
2014년 12월 1일 월요일

PE 11/27 A Wedding at the Hotel del Coronado

You were surprised that they invited you? We've all been best friends since college. I would've been shattered if they didn't invite me!
* shattered: severely disappointed or emotionally hurt
ex> Jeff was shattered when he found out his favorite TV show was cancelled.

No, I was surprised that they were getting married at the Hotel del Coronado. This place is the cream of the crop!
* the cream of the crop: the best
= the crème de la crème; the best of the best; the pick of the crop
ex> The black and white Palomino was definitely the cream of the crop in the horseracing world.

Well, they both make a pretty good living and they come from well-to-do families, so I think it’s only natural that they pick an upscale place like this.
* well-to-do: rich; wealthy
ex> Although they weren't well-to-do, they did own several luxury automobiles.
ex> The well-to-do family vacationed in Switzerland and St. Thomas twice a year.

They really paid attention to details for this wedding and probably all weddings held here, come to think of it.
* come to think of it: upon further consideration
ex> I haven’t traveled to Europe in a while. Come to think of it, it’s been 15 years!

I think I just got caught up in the moment. Well, not entirely, Chloe, but you know what I mean.
* be/get caught up in the moment: to get emotionally involved in a situation and to do or say something reflecting those emotions
ex> The team was caught up in the moment as the national anthem of their country played.

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