
2012년 9월 30일 일요일

9/28 Chuseok

Talk about Chuseok.

Chuseok is one of the biggest Korean holidays.

It stems from the days when farmers harvested their yearly crops.
* stem from: ~에서 유래하다, ~에서 생겨나다, = originated from
ex> The story stems from historical documents.

Then they showed gratitude to their ancestors in a ritual called cha-rae.
* gratitude: 감사, 고마움
ex> My morning ritual consists of a bagel, coffee, and the newspaper.

People paid homage and shared the bountiful harvest with ancestors.
* pay homage: 경의를 표하다, pay respect, honor
* bountiful: 풍부한, 많은, abundant
ex> The soldiers paid homage to those who died in the war.

Today, people travel back to their hometowns and reunite with their relatives.

Families wake up in the wee hours to begin preparing a feast of foods.
* in the wee hours: 이른 새벽에
* feast: 연회, 잔치
ex> I heard rooster crow in the wee hours of the morning.

It is a time to reconnect and bond with loved ones.
ex> He wants time to bond with his newborn son.

Traditionally, the family would visit the gravesite of their ancestors and offer the spirits of departed food and drink.
* gravesite: 묘소
* departed: 고인, 고인이 된

This is an expression of filial devotion.
* filial: 자식의, 자식으로서의
ex> The artwork is an expression of the artist's political view.

@ Can you snake the drain for me?  하수구 좀 뚫어 줄 수 있어?

1. Her love of the ocean stems from living by the beach.
2. Have you paid homage to your ancestors?
3. I have a very strong bond with my dog.
4. Her cooking is an expression of love.

2012년 9월 28일 금요일

PE 9/27 Universal Studios Hollywood

Most people associate Universal Studios with a theme park, but the fact of the matter is that the place started as a movie studio in 1912. It is the largest and oldest movie studio in the world.
* the fact of the matter: 사실, 진실
ex> The fact of the matter is that I have never loved you.

Is it still a real movie studio?

Yes, it's still a live, working studio. They are actually quite small in real life, but are larger than life in the films.
* larger than life: 실물보다 큰, 매우 인상적인, 과장을 많이 하는
ex> Lily has so much charisma; she is larger than life.
ex> Movie stars are worshipped because people are used to seeing them as larger than life.
ex> He is a larger than life character. 허풍을 떠는 성격이다.

Is that giant water tank real? It doesn't look so small.

Yes, it's used to film underwater scenes in movies.

Hey, it's bursting open!

AHHHH! Hold on tight we are about to be hit by a flash-flood and collapsing bridge simulation.
* flash-flood: 돌발 홍수
* collapse: 붕괴하다
* simulation: 모의 실험, 시뮬레이션

It's so realistic! This tram ride is not for the faint at heart.
* not for the faint at heart: 겁이 많은 사람에게는 맞지 않는
ex> Rafting the rapids through the Grand Canyon is a wild ride that is not for the faint at heart.

9/27 Conception Dreams

Talk about your conception dream in detail.

My mother is sitting down and watching TV with my older sister.

My sister is sitting on her lap. Out of nowhere, a small black pig walks toward them on is's two feet.
* on one's lap: 무릎에
ex> Don't put that on your lap.
* out of nowhere: 갑자기
ex> A cyclist came out of nowhere.
* walk toward: ~로 걸어가다

It tries to sit on my mother's lap. Although she tries to push the pig away, it eventually sits on her lap.
* push away: 밀어내다, 몰아내다
ex> Although he was tired, he continued running.

What am I talking about? It was a dream my mother had when she became pregnant with me.
ex> She became pregnant with twins.

She believed that the dream foretold the conception of a child and of course in this case, me.
* foretell: 예견하다, 예언하다
ex> Fortune tellers claim they can foretell your future.

In Korea, conception dreams are called tae-mong. Tae-mong is usually dreamt by the soon-to-be mother or people close to her.
* soon-to-be: 곧 ~가 될
ex> She is my soon-to-be wife.

So, what was your tae-mong?

@ When is the baby due?  예정일이 언제야?

1. Out of nowhere, she started crying.
2. Although he studied all night, he failed his math test.
3. It is difficult to foretell the outcome.
4. He is a soon-to-be college student.

2012년 9월 27일 목요일

PE 9/26 Boys Don't Cry

Honey, I know you're grieving inside and I want you to know that it's okay to cry.
* grieve: 비통해 하다

Me cry? Boys don't cry. I'm fine.

You don't have to put on a brave face at times like these. If you bottle up all your emotions now, you'll suffer later.
* put on a brave face: 허세를 부리다, 자신 있는 척하다
ex> As the ship went down, the captain put on a brave face.
* bottle up: 억누르다
ex> It's unhealthy to keep your emotions bottle up inside.
ex> After her parents divorced, she bottled up her pain and hid it from everyone.

I can handle my emotions just fine, thank you.

I'm just worried about you. You haven't been sleeping very well and you've lost your appetite.

Well, it hasn't been easy. There were so many things I wanted to tell my Dad.

I know, honey. Now is the time to let it all out.
* let it out: 드러내다, 밖으로 보이다
ex> If you feel like crying, it's O.K. to let it out.

(starts sniffling) I don't want to seem weak but... (starts sobbing)

9/26 Budae-jjigae

Talk about a Korean cuisine, budae-jjigae.

Budae-jjigae was invented during the scarce times of the Korean War.
* scarce [skers]: 부족한, 모자라는, not abundant
ex> He says time and money are scarce.
ex> We have a scarce amount of food to feed them.

It is literally translated as "army base stew."
* literally: 말 그대로
ex> The man literally runs 10 miles every day.
ex> I am literally sweating through my shirt.

This East meets West dish was born from necessity and convenience.
* East meets West: 동양과 서양이 만나는
ex> Clothes, food, and shelter are a necessity.

Soldiers during the Korean War brought over foods like Spam, sausages, and beans to name a few.
* bring over: 가져오다
* to name a few: 몇 가지만 말하자면
ex> We need more supplies like tape, paper, and pens to name a few.

Koreans took these and mixed it up with whatever was on hand.
* on hand: 수중에
ex> What do you have on hand?

The resulting concoction was budae-jjigae.
* concoction: 조합물, 혼합물, mixture

Most contain sausages, Spam, noodles, kimchi, vegetables, and sometimes cheese.

You can quickly whip up your own! Add whatever you want.
* whip up: 재빨리 만들어 내다, 준비하다, to prepare quickly
ex> I can easily whip you up an omelette.
cf> to excite; arouse
ex> The studio audience was whipped up into a frenzy.

There are no hard or fast rules to make it.
* hard or fast rules: 엄밀한 규칙, 정해진 규칙
ex> There are no hard or fast rules in love.

It is probably one of the earliest and easiest types of fusion cuisine!
* fusion cuisine: 퓨전 요리

@ Don't hold back.  망설이지 마.

1. The family had a lot of money but a scarce amount of love.
2. There is a necessity for discipline at school.
3. How much money do you have on hand?
4. My recipe doesn't have any hard or fast rules.

2012년 9월 26일 수요일

PE 9/25 Johnny Depp Interview

Part 4, "Johnny's Tattoos"

Johnny, you are one of the most inked celebrities in Hollywood.
* inked: 문신이 있는

My body is my journal, and my tattoos are my story.

So, they each have a special meaning?

Yes, they are permanent reminders of the important people in my life. I'm a sucker for sentimentality when it comes to my family. I have my daughter's name, Lily-Rose, tattooed over my heart because she is the apple of my eye.
* a sucker for: ~에 마음이 약한 사람, ~에 사족을 못 쓰는 사람
ex> I'm a sucker for puppies and kittens; I simply can't resist them.
ex> I'm a sucker for his little girl; I can't say no to her.
* sentimentality: 감상적인 것
* the apple of one's eye: 소중한 사람
ex> It's important for a wife to feel like she is the apple of husband's eye.

What do the tattoos on your forearms of the sailor and the waitress represent?

My grandpa was a sailor and he was the kind of guy who would give you the shirt off his back. My mom was a waitress; I have her name surrounded by a heart and tribal markings. My mom is full-blooded Cherokee, so I have this Native American head on my bicep.
* give ~ the shirt off one's back: ~을 위해 무엇이든지 주다
ex> She is generous to a fault and will give you the shirt off her back.
* full-blood: 순혈종의 사람, 동물

9/25 Mom's Son-mat

Talk about mom's son-mat.

There are a lot of Korean words that are nearly impossible to translate into English.
ex> She told me to translate this into layman's terms.
* layman: 비전문가.. ordinary layman

But today, I'd like to describe a Korean word, son-mat.

Did you ever wonder why home cooked meals taste so good?
ex> I miss home cooked meals so much.

That's because a secret ingredient, mom's son-mat, is added to homemade food.
* ingredient: 재료

Son-mat literally means "flavor by hand." It doesn't mean handmade. It's not that simple.
* literally: 말 그대로
ex> This car is 100% handmade.

Son-mat is not something that you can see or touch but is a very crucial ingredient.
* can see or touch: 보거나 만질 수 있다.
cf> intangible: 뭐라고 꼬집어 말할 수 없는
ex> This is a very crucial time for all of us.

Son-mat is the love and the heart that goes into every home cooked meal.
* go into: ~에 들어가다
ex> A lot of effort went into this project.

So, why don't you ring up your mom and ask her to make your favorite food today?
* ring up: 전화를 걸다, call
ex> I want to ring up my girlfriend every day.

@ Nothing beats a home cooked meal. 역시 집에서 만든 음식이 최고야.

1. His book was translated into more than 26 languages.
2. I haven't had home cooked meal for a year.
3. Do you know how much crucial this is to us?
4. Please don't ring me up after midnight.

2012년 9월 25일 화요일

PE 9/21 Eat This?

You probably recycle the wrappers encasing your food, but would you actually eat them?
* encase: 감싸다

In an effort to reduce the 70 million tons of packaging waste in U.S. landfills each year, biomedical engineers are creating food wrappers that are edible, soluble, and flavorful.
* landfill: 매립지
* edible: 먹을 수 있는
* soluble: 녹는

Imagine dropping a packet of cocoa into hot water and watching its casing dissolve, or drinking some juice and then eating the cup.
* dissolve: 용해하다

You can have your cup and eat it, too.
* you can't have your cake and eat it too: 두 가지를 동시에 가질 수 는 없다
ex> You already have a boyfriend so don't try to steal mine. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

But how do you convince consumers that it's O.K. to eat the wrapper?

One selling point: edible packaging has roots in nature.

So step up to the plate and help save the planet. That's a wrap.
* step up to the plate: 행동을 취하다, 책임을 다하다
ex> Be a man. Step up to the plate and be a good father to your children.
* that's a wrap: 끝나다
ex> After 6 months of shooting the film, the director was satisfied and said, " That's a wrap."

PE 9/24 Continuing Education

I'm planning to take some evening classes on business management this month.

Are you sure? You already have so much on your plate here at work.
* have a lot on one's plate: 해야 할 일이 산더미처럼 많다
ex> I can't keep up this pace; I just have too much on my plate.

UCLA is offering some great continuing education courses on the subject so I'm going to sign up tonight.

Juggling work and school is no easy feat.
* juggle: 곡예하듯 하다
* feat: 위업, 솜씨, 일

You'll be burning the candle at both ends, that's for sure.
* burn the candle at both ends: 몹시 지치다, 녹초가 되다
ex> She looks a lot older than she is because she has burned the candle at both ends.

I know but if I want to make it to the top one day, I have to better myself, always.
* better oneself: 자신을 발전시키다, 향상하다
ex> If you want to better yourself, you must be a life-long learner.

Well, you're always complaining about your dark circles as it is. Don't be surprised if they get darker.

Thanks for the concern, I'll make sure I keep them in check.

9/24 Camping

Talk about growing popularity of camping in Korea.

Ever since the introduction of the five-day workweek and school week, Koreans have been trying to find ways to enjoy their extra leisure time.
* find a way: 방법을 찾다
ex> Can you find a way to fix this problem?
* leisure [|li:Ʒər] time: 여가 시간

In recent years, camping has gained enormous popularity in Korea.
ex> In recent years, the number of cyclists has increased quite a bit.

Camping may be the easiest way to escape stressful city life and enjoy the outdoors.
ex> What is the easiest way to get to Gangnam?

With the popularity of camping, camping sites are popping up all across Korea.
* camping site (=campground): 캠핑장
ex> Tanning salons are popping up everywhere.

Most of these campgrounds have individual parking spaces, public bathrooms, showers and water.

And some places even have electricity!

So, what are you waiting for?
ex> Can you please wait for me?

Just pack your bags and give yourselves a nice treat.
* pack one's bags: 가방을 싸다
* treat: 기쁨, 선물
ex> You need to pack light when you travel alone.

@ It cost me an arm and a leg. 정말 돈이 많이 들어갔어.

1. Did you find a way to contact her?
2. I know the easiest way to get there.
3. Something just popped up in my head.
4. Do not pack items that are inflammable.

2012년 9월 24일 월요일

9/21 Hongsi

Talk about Korean persimmon called hongsi.

What comes to your mind when you think of autumn?
* come to one's mind: 생각이 나다, 떠오르다
ex> When I think of Brazil, Samba comes to my mind.

One of the first things that come to my mind is Korean persimmon called hongsi.

Hongsi is a little elongated and pointy at the bottom.
ex> Don't you think her nose is a little pointy?

It looks like a giant acorn.
* acorn [|eɪkɔ:rn]: 도토리

When you have hongsi, you must remember one thing.
ex> You must remember that she's allergic to peanuts.

Hongsis are extremely astringent when unripe.
* astringent |strɪndƷənt]: 떫은
* unripe: 익지 않은, 설익은
ex> I think this tomato is unripe.

Its high levels of tannins will make you pucker up.
* tannin: 타닌
* pucker up: (인상을) 찌푸리게 하다
ex> This lemon cake will make you pucker up.

Before you eat them, make sure you place them on a kitchen counter and wait until they are fully ripe.

Mature hongsi is incredibly soft and sweet.
ex> She was incredibly clever.

Don't eat the white part though. It will give you constipation.

@ It was on the house. 그것은 서비스였어.

1. Nothing comes to my mind right now.
2. My dog has pointy ears.
3. You must remember her birthday.
4. His lecture is incredibly boring.

9/20 Reading

Talk about benefits of reading. 

I never seem to find the time to immerse myself in a good book.
* find the time: 시간을 찾다, 시간을 내다
* immerse: 열중케 하다, 몰두하다
ex> You must find the time to exercise regularly.
ex> She needs to find the time to spend with her kids.

But fall is the perfect time to catch up on your reading.
* catch up: 만회하다, 따라잡다

The benefits of reading are not limited to books.
* be limited to: ~에 제한되다
ex> You are limited to only one cookie on this diet.

They also include magazines, newspapers, or e-books.

Reading provides relaxation, pleasure, and mental exercise.

Reading helps establish language skills, broaden our vocabulary, and stimulate our brain.
ex> The acupuncturist will stimulate the point with a needle.

Other advantages include improved concentration and memory, and stress reduction.

Books are also inexpensive and your mind shifts to another world of imagination.
ex> The company shifts 5,000 cars abroad monthly.

Snuggling up to a good story can be life-changing!
* snuggle up: 끌어안다, 바싹 다가붙다
ex> The young couple was snuggling up to each other over dinner.

So next time you head out the door, grab a book with you!
* head out the door: 문 밖으로 나가다
ex> I need to head out the door soon.

@ I want to kick back and relax.  난 휴식을 취하면서 편히 쉬고 싶어.

1. Find the time to finish the project.
2. We are limited to only three choices.
3. The novel will stimulate your mind and emotions.
4. Are you going to head out the door now?

9/19 Breakfast

Talk about the importance of having breakfast.

Did you have breakfast this morning? If you said no, I have bad news for you.

Skipping breakfast may cause all kinds of health issues.
ex> My dad told me not to skip breakfast anymore.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

You basically have been fasting overtime.
ex> He is basically in good health.

Your body needs fuel after sleeping all night.
ex> My car needs fuel right now.

An empty stomach in the morning can leave you with a lack of energy.

It can also make you feel fatigued and have a hard time concentrating.
ex> She always gives me a hard time for smoking in the house.
ex> He has a hard time understanding the concept.

Skipping the first meal of the day makes weight control more difficult for those who are on a diet.
ex> I'm on a low-carb diet.

So, if you're trying to shed some kilos, start your day with a healthy breakfast.
* shed: (살을) 빼다, (눈물, 피, 땀 등을) 흘리다
ex> He needs to shed some pounds.
ex> She didn't shed a tear.

@ Your stomach keeps growling.  너의 배가 계속 꼬르륵거려.

1. I'm going to skip dinner tonight.
2. He has a hard time chewing.
3. He should go on a diet.
4. She shed a lot of weight.

9/18 Oedo

Talk about Oedo.

One day, a fisherman was fishing in the southern coast of Korea.
ex> One day, he was walking along the shore.
ex> I would like to see her in person one day.

Then he had to take shelter in a nearby island because of stormy weather.
* take shelter: 대피하다
* nearby: 근처의, 바로 가까이의
ex> Is it safe to take shelter in the basement during a typhoon?
ex> She had to take shelter from a swarm of bees.

That's when the fisherman, Mr. Lee Chang-ho, first set his foot on Oedo.
* set one's foot on: ~에 발을 내딛다, 발을 들여놓다
ex> Don't set your foot in my house again.

Oedo was just a desolate island at the time but he immediately fell in love with it.
* desolate [|desələt]: 황량한
* at the time: 그 당시에
ex> It was the tallest building at the time.

A few years later, he purchased the entire island.

He and his wife started creating a botanical garden on the island.
* botanical garden: 식물원
ex> This shampoo has botanical extracts that moisturize your hair.

43 years later, it became one of the most exotic gardens in Korea.

There are camellias, palm trees and other subtropical plants.
* subtropical: 아열대의
* camellia: 동백나무
* palm tree: 야자수

There is also the Venus Garden which is like a smaller version of the French Versailles.
* French Versailles: 프랑스 베르사유
ex> I'm waiting for a smaller version of this smartphone.
ex> My son's like a smaller version of me.

@ You should double-check.  다시 한번 확인해 봐. 

1. They took shelter under the bridge.
2. He set his foot on the shore.
3. It was the biggest building at the time.
4. This is a smaller version of a flute.

9/17 Diagnosis-Related Group Pricing System

Talk about the Diagnosis-Related Group pricing system.

Despite strong opposition from the Korean Medical Association, the Korean government launched a new medical treatment pricing system on July 1st.
ex> Despite her effort, she couldn't lose weight.

Under the so-called Diagnosis-Related Group pricing system, patients will pay fixed prices for seven common medical treatments.
ex> We have a fixed number of staff here.

So, for example, if you are treated for cataracts, homorrhoids, appendicitis, caesarian section births, hysterectomies, tonsils, or hernia, you will be charged the same price.
ex> I was charged an entrance fee.

The government estimates that this will bring down costs for these operations by up to 21 percent.
ex> You can save up to 50%.

It will prevent patients from undergoing unnecessary tests and treatments.
ex> She underwent plastic surgery.

However, some doctors claim that it will reduce the overall quality of medical services.
* overall: 전체적인, 전반적인
ex> What is the overall condition of your car?

@ It's a win-win situation.  모두가 득을 볼 수 있어. 

1. Despite his effort, he couldn't quit smoking.
2. We have a fixed number of chairs in this room.
3. You can fit up to four golf bags in my trunk.
4. The overall quality of life in North Korea is very low.

9/14 Adult Baseball

Talk about adult baseball leagues in Korea.

Without a doubt, baseball is the most watched game in Korea.
* without a doubt: 의심할 여지 없이
ex> Football is the most watched game around the world.

However, if you are not satisfied with just watching the games, you can join an adult baseball league and actually play.
* adult baseball league: 사회인 야구 리그
ex> I'm really satisfied with the result.

There are a lot of adult baseball leagues all around Korea.

You can easily find them online.
ex> She could easily find her friend's house.

I myself play in the Hangang League here in Seoul.
ex> I myself use this expression all the time.

There are three divisions in our league and each division has about 10 to 20 teams.
* division: 리그, 부분, 부

Our team, the Cubs, plays in the First Division.
* the First Division: 1부 리그

What determines which division you can play in?
* determine [dɪ|t3:rmɪn]: 결정하다, 정하다
ex> I would like to determine the value of this house.

The number of players who played baseball in high school or higher in your team does.
ex> The number of people who became Korean citizens rose drastically.

Play ball!

@ They're open 24/7.  거긴 24시간 열어.

1. Sumo is the most watched game in Japan.
2. I was totally satisfied with their service.
3. You can easily find his house.
4. She will determine which is right.

9/13 Hahoe Village

Talk about the Hahoe Village in Andong.

Ever wonder what life was like during the Joseon Dynasty?
* ever wonder: 궁금해 하다
ex> Ever wonder how trash is recycled?

The Hahoe Folk Village in Andong can give you a glimpse.
* give someone a glimpse: ~가 언뜻 보게 하다
ex> I can give you a glimpse of my new art piece.

Many facets of 16th century Korean culture have been preserved here.
* facet [|fӕsɪt]: 측면, 면, 양상
ex> The mummies of Egypt were preserved in tombs.

The original architecture of the time, including a Confucian school, buildings, and residential manors still stand today.
* still stand today: 오늘날까지도 남아 있다

Notable, the site maintains folk arts such as Byeolsin-gut, a shamanistic rite honoring the spirits of the village.
* notably: 특히, 현저히
* shamanistic: 무속 신앙의, 주술적인
ex> Notably, the popular restaurant has no sign outside.

If you visit there in late September, you can also witness ancient fireworks called Jeulbul-nori.

The village also houses a vast collection of historical records of the time.
ex> The museum houses a large collection by Rodin.

The village was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2010.
ex> The restaurant is listed as one of the best in Seoul.

@ It's like you are frozen in time.  마치 시간이 멈춘 것같아

1. Ever wonder how they built that skyscraper?
2. She's very well-preserved for her age.
3. Her clothes are notably more stylish than the others.
4. Our company is listed in the Fortune 500.

2012년 9월 22일 토요일

9/12 Samcheong-dong

Talk about Samcheong-dong.

I must say, one of my favorite places to visit these days is Samcheong-dong.
* I must say <강조> 사실, 정말이지
ex> I must say, you are the best.
ex> I must say, that was the best movie I've ever seen.

This neighborhood is located in the north side of the Han River.

It's really easy to find because it's adjacent to Gyeongbokgung.
ex> There is a hotel adjacent to the ocean.

However, in my opinion, the best way to get there is through a serene promenade that starts near Anguk station.
* serene: 고요한, 평온한
* promenade  [|prɑ:mə|neɪd]: 산책로
ex> In my opinion, she is the best candidate.

Samcheong-dong is a charming area filled with cozy cafes, chic art galleries, great restaurants and trendy shops.
* cozy [|koʊzi]: 아늑한
* chic [ʃi:k]: 멋진, 세련된
* trendy: 유행의, 멋진
ex> This store carries chic and hip clothes.

This neighborhood is also famous for its Bukchon Hanok Village, where you can see 600 year-old hanok-style houses.
ex> Idaho is famous for their potatoes.

Samcheong-dong is one place you don't want to miss.
* you don't want to miss: 놓쳐서는 안 된다
ex> This is a movie you don't want to miss.

@ My feet are killing me. 발이 너무 아파.

2012년 9월 21일 금요일

9/11 Korean Shamanism

Let's learn about Korean shamanism

Korean shamanism is a blend of many beliefs and practices of pre-modern Korea. 
* blend: 혼합, 혼합물

The contemporary term for it is mugyo
ex> I want you to memorize that English term.

Some people believe mugyo is just superstition. Others who have visited shamans think otherwise
ex> He didn't like the movie but I think otherwise.

Shamans are referred to as mudang

The role of the mudang is to bridge the spirit and human worlds.
* bridge: 연결하다, 다리 역할을 하다
ex> We want you to bridge the differences between the two countries.

A mudang will help clients by calling upon the spirit world.
* call upon: ~에게 청하다, 부탁하다
ex> I am calling upon my will power.

They hold gut ceremonies for various reasons such as curing illness and gaining good fortune.

They can also exorcise bad spirits that cling to people or places.
* exorcise  [éksɔ:rsàiz,-sər-] : (악마등을) 쫓아 버리다
* cling: 매달리다, 달라붙다
ex> We need to exorcise these bad business practices from the company.

Although far fewer people frequent mudangs today, they are still a part of Korean culture and society.
* frequent: (특정 장소에) 자주 다니다
ex> I frequent that coffee shop every morning.

@ It's still alive and well today.  오늘날까지도 건재하고 있어.

1. We don't use that impolite term.
2. She won't think otherwise.
3. Can we bridge the gap between us?
4. We're calling upon everyone to help and volunteer.

2012년 9월 14일 금요일

PE 9/13 Hollywood's Musical Venues

If you're looking for an edgy club, you can't get any more hip than the famous nightclub, The Viper Room. Many rock bands got their first big break at this legendary Hollywood nightclub.
* edgy: 개성 있는, unique
* hip: (slang), very modern and follow all the latest fashion

Cool! We might see the next big act, while they are still struggling on the Sunset Strip.

Or you might see a famous band; big names frequently drop in unannounced and jam on stage. Usually, celebrities get wind of the event and show up in droves.
* jam: 즉흥 공연을 하다, play informal setting,
* in droves: 떼 지어, 무리 지어
* get wind of: 소문을 듣다
ex> "Keep tight lipped about the layoffs, I don't want the union get wind of them."

Where there's smoke, there's fire: if a famous band drops in, you can bet on famous people dropping in. I hope we get lucky!
* where there's smoke there's fire: 아니 땐 굴뚝에 연기 나랴
ex> Neither of my son's admits to breaking the vase, but where there's smoke there's fire.
* you can bet on: 틀림없다, 정말이다
ex> "Will you call me?" "You can bet on it!"

Your chances are good. The L.A. Times called it "the most consistently hip club in town."

9/10 Jeong Yak-yong

Talk about a great Korean philosopher, Jeong Yak-yong.

One of the most brilliant minds in Korean history is Dasan, or Jeong Yak-yong.
* mind: 인물, 생각
cf> pseudonym, pen name: 호
ex> That's a brilliant idea!

He wrote many influential works on science and philosophy.
* influential: 영향력이 있는
* work: 업적, 책
* philosophy: 철학
ex> He is very influential in the community.

Dasan was also a close confidant of King Jeongjo.
* confidant [|kɑ:nfɪdӕnt]: 절친한 친구
ex> The king's confidant betrayed him during the war.

Dasan's greatest legacy is probably his views on democracy.
* legacy: 유산
ex> The country has a long legacy of war.

His philosophy was that the king should rule with integrity and fairness for the people.
* integrity: 진실성

He espoused government to provide and care for the people.
* espouse  |spaʊz]: 지지하다, 옹호하다

Dasan's stance was that government should not control the people, but nurture and offer sympathy.
* stance: 입장, 태도, 생각, view point,
ex> What is your stance on the subject?
* nurture  [|n3:rtʃə(r)]: 보살피다
* offer sympathy: 연민의 정을 베풀다

This was in stark contrast with the political environment of the time.
* stark: completely, totally, 완전한
ex> His views are in stark contrast with mine.
ex> There was a stark contrast between the interior and exterior of the building.

But Dasan was a forward-thinker and pioneer.
* forward-thinker: 진보적인 사상가

@ It's been passed down through generations.  집안 대대로 전해 내려온 거야.
= heirloom  [|erlu:m]: 가보

1. The brilliant child spoke before she could crawl.
2. He has some influential ideas.
3. A confidant must never reveal secrets.
4. Your outfit is in stark contrast to mine.


2012년 9월 13일 목요일

9/7 Gu-gu Day

Talk about Gu-gu Day in Korea.

What are you eating on September 9th?

It better be chicken because it’s National Chicken Day!
* better be: (구어) ~이 낫다, ~가 좋다
ex> It better be a funny movie! 재미있는 영화가 아니기만 해봐라!
ex> It better be taste good! 맛없기만 해봐!

The number “9” said twice is like a chicken noise in Korean. Hence, Gu-gu Day!

In an effort to help local farmers, the Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries promotes Gu-gu day to critizens.
* in an effort to: ~하기 위한 노력으로
* promote: 장려하다, 촉진하다
ex> He wanted to promote his album.

People are encouraged to eat poultry products like eggs and chicken.
* poultry: 가금류
ex> She was encouraged to enter the singing contest.

That isn’t too hard, since we love our chicken.

Whether you like it fried, boiled or roasted, there is a recipe out there calling your name!
* call one’s name: 이름을 부르다, ~을 원하고 있다
ex> Whether or not you like the movie, you have to love the soundtrack.

Not only is chicken a healthy food, but you are helping the farming community.
ex> Not only is she beautiful, but she is intelligent and kind too.
ex> Not only can I speak English, but Japanese as well.

And don’t forget the pickled radish!
* pickle radish: 무절임
ex> Don't forget to pick me up!

@ One size fits all그거 프리 사이즈야.

1. This better be a good book.
2. The company will promote the new perfume at the department store.
3. My boyfriend encouraged me to go to the party.
4. Don't forget to remind me of my dentist appointment.

2012년 9월 11일 화요일

PE 9/10 Class Registration

I'm thinking of taking Duncan's class. What's the 411 on him?
* 411: ~에 대한 정보(on)

Well, let's say that if you get on his bad side, you're basically blacklisted for the rest of the semester. He holds serious grudges.
* blacklist: 블랙리스트에 올리다
* on one's bad side: 눈 밖에 난, 미움을 받는
ex> If you get caught cheating in class, you will get your teacher's bad side.
* hold a grudge: 원한을 품다
ex> Holding a grudge is bad for your health.

But I heard his class is an easy A.
* easy A: A학점을 받기 쉬운 수업

Only if he loves you. You have to get chummy with him. Visit him during his office hours and ask lots of questions.
* chummy: (informal), pleasant, very friendly, 아주 다정한
ex> Quite opposite: They were incredibly chummy.

Sounds like too much work for me. I'm already late with my registration so I need to sign up for something real fast.

If you're looking for a good snooze, sign up for Murphy's class. His lecture will bore you to death but all you have to do is show up and take the final.
* snooze: 낮잠

Now you're talking.
* Now you're talking: 바로 그거야, 좋은 생각이야.

2012년 9월 9일 일요일

PE 9/5 Blind Date

Was the blind date a yea or nay?

What a massive let-down. I can't believe I even agreed to be set up with the doofus.
* let-down: 실망스러운 것, 실망.
* doofus: 멍청이, 얼갈이

I guess it didn't pan out. What went wrong?
* pan out: (특정한 방식으로) 진행되다, ~의 결과가 되다
ex> I have always wanted to be a singer, but things haven't panned out.

Matt set me up with a total player.

You could tell he knew the ins and outs of the dating game all too well.
* ins and outs: 속속들이, 구석구석
ex> She was promoted to editor of "Vogue" because she knows all the ins and outs of fashion.

Well, you should've known better.

What do you expect from a friend of Matt's? Birds of a feather flock together.
초록은 동색, 끼리끼리 모이다
ex> Choose your friends wisely because birds of a feather flock together.

To top off the date, he wanted me to pick up half of the tab. How tacky is that?
* tab: 계산서, 비용
* tacky: 쩨쩨한, 싸구려 같은

Oh, that's going too far.

2012년 9월 8일 토요일

9/6 Daegwallyeong Sheep Ranch

Talk about Daegwallyeong Sheep Ranch

If you've had enough of Seoul and always wanted to travel outside Seoul, Gangwon-do is a great place to start.
* have enough of: ~이 식상하다, ~에 질리다
* a great place to start: 시작하기 좋은 장소
ex> She's had enough of his excuses.
ex> I've had enough of you.
ex> Seoul is a great place to start your business.

There are many great places you can visit. Out of all the places, I urge you to visit the Daegwallyeong Sheep Ranch.
* ranch: 목장
ex> Out of all the people in the world, you choose him?

I'm pretty sure you didn't expect to find sheep in Korea.
ex> I didn't expect to see you here.

However, that's probably what gives the Daegwallyeong Sheep Ranch its beauty.

You can see sheep roaming around gorgeous hills of grazing land, something you can't see anywhere else in Korea.
* roam around: 돌아다니다
* grazing land: 방목지, 목초지

It is such an exotic scene.
* exotic: 이국적인
ex> You can find many exotic birds here.

With an admission fee of just 3,500 won, you will get a basket of hay to hand-feed the sheep.

* hay: 건초
* hand-feed: 손으로 먹이다

ex> How much is the admission fee there?

@ Are we there yet? 우리 아직 멀었어?

1. I have had enough of pizza for today.
2. I only missed two questions out of 100.
3. Don't expect your English to improve without exercise.
4. Jeju island has a lot of exotic plants

9/5 Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Talk about hand, foot and mouth disease.

As the summer heat kicked in earlier than usual this year, hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is spreading quickly across Korea.
* kick in: 시작되다
ex> We have to finish the construction before the monsoon kicks in.

HFMD is a quite common, yet highly contagious infection.
* highly contagious: 전염성이 강한
ex> That's very common disease.

It usually affects children under six years old and infants.

However, adults can also contract the disease.
* contract: (병에) 걸리다
ex> He believe he contracted lung cancer from second-hand smoke.

Symptoms of HFMD are fever, sores in the mouth and skin rashes on the hands and feet.

This disease is spread by direct contact with the saliva, snot or other bodily fluids of an infected person.
* snot: 콧물
ex> He came in contact with poison ivy.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease. Good hygiene is the best way to prevent HFMD.
ex> They may have found the cure for baldness.
ex> His brother has such bad hygiene.

Make sure you wash your hands often with antibacterial soap.

@ Better be safe than sorry.  나중에 후회하는 것보다 조심하는 것이 나아.

1. The heater kicked in when the temperature reached zero.
2. He contracted stomach cancer 2 years ago.
3. There is no cure for love.
4. Restaurats workers should have good personal hygiene.

9/4 Uponeup

Talk about Uponeup in Korea.

If you ever get a chance to go down to Changnyeong County,  Gyeongsangnam-do, make sure you visit Upo Wetland.
* get a chance: 기회를 얻다
ex> I never get a chance to see you.
Upo Wetland is the largest inland swamp in Korea with a beautifully preserved natural environment.
* swamp, wetland: 습지, 늪
* preserved: 보존된
The wetland is made of four swamps, Upo, Mokpo, Sajipo and Jjokjibeol.
ex> This floor is made of marble.
This complex of wetland spans about 2.3 km2, which is roughly the size of 210 football fields. It was formed 140 million years ago. 
ex> His lecture is roughly two hours long.
Upo Wetland was added to the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance in 1998 because it plays an important role as a habitat for migratory birds.
* habitat: 서식지
* migratory bird: 철새
ex> This bird was added to the list of endangered species.
ex> He played an important role in the investigation.
It is also home to numerous endangered species.
* home: 서식지, 발상지
* endangered species
ex> Silicon Valley is home to many of the largest tech companies.

@ This is indescribable.  말로 표현할 수 없어.

1. She got a chance to meet her idol.
2. Lady Gaga's dress was made of real meat.
3. A football field is roughly 100 meters long.
4. She played an important role in his life.


2012년 9월 5일 수요일

PE 9/4 Johnny Depp Interview

Part1, "Johnny Depp's Childhood"
Johnny what was your childhood like?
We traveled around a lot. When I was 12, I began smoking and doing drugs because of family problems. As a teen, I literally locked myself in a room and played guitar.
That turned out to be a lucky break for you; didn't you form a garage band called The Kids?
* a lucky break: good opportunity
ex> Buying the winning lotto ticket was a lucky break.
Yeah. I dropped out of high school at 16, formed a band, and moved to Hollywood. I started hanging out with Nicolas Cage and got hired for some films.
So acting just sort of fell into your lap from out of your blue.
* fall into one's lap: 운 좋게 굴러 오다, 거저 얻다
* out of the blue: 갑자기, 난데없이
ex> The inheritance just fell into my lap; I didn't do anything to earn it.
Yep. I dreamed of being a musician not an actor, and I really resented being a teen idol. I didn't see that one coming.
* resent: 분개하다, 분노하다
* see ~ coming: ~이 벌어질 것을 예상하다, expect
ex> My best friend stole my boyfriend. I didn't see that coming.

9/3 Ganjang-gejang

Talk about a Korean dish called ganjang-gejang.

If you think Korean food is all about kimchi and bulgogi, please think again.
* be all about: ~이 전부이다, 최고이다
ex> He thinks Los Angeles is all about fast food.
ex> It's not all about money.

There are numerous delicious seafood dishes you can enjoy. I strongly recommend that you try a Korean delicacy called ganjang-gejang.
* delicacy: 별미
ex> It is strongly recommended that you schedule your flight early.

Ganjang-gejang is basically fresh raw crabs marinated in soy sauce.
* marinate  [|mӕrɪneɪt]: 재워두다, (양념장에) 담가두다
ex> I usually marinate my steak in beer.
ex> My mom marinated cucumbers in vinegar.

Ganjang-gejang is also known as "bap-dodook," which means "a rice thief."
ex> Myanmar is also known as Burma.

You'll know why it's called "a rice thief" when you order your second bowl of rice.

It's just that good.

Personally, the best way to enjoy ganjang-gejang is to put rice inside the crab shell and mix it with the tomalley and roe.
* tomalley: (lobster) 내장, 간
* roe  [róu]: 알
ex> Personally, I don't like canned coffee.

This will wake up your taste buds.
* wake up: 깨우다, 정신을 차리다
* taste buds: 미각, 미뢰
ex> You definitely need something to wake up your confidence.
ex> Why don't you wake up and smell the coffee.

@ I'm drooling  already.  난 벌써 군침이 돌아

1. It's all about getting good grades.
2. Sungnyemun is also known as Namdaemun.
3. I personally like add kimchi in my ramyeon.
4. You need to wake up and face your problem.

2012년 9월 4일 화요일

PE 9/3 Back-To-School Shopping

This is the skirt I've been looking for! My friends would so jelly over this skirt! Can I try it on?
* jelly: jealous, 질투하는
What is there to try on? There's no way I'm getting you that skirt. Not over my dead body.
* over my dead body: 절대로 (안 돼), 내 눈에 흙이 들어가기 전에는 안 돼
ex> My daughter wants to get a nose ring, but I said, "Not over my dead body!"
You are so not with it, mom. What's wrong with it anyways?
* with it: fashionable, 유행을 아는, 최신식의
ex> How can you go out with that geek? He is so not with it.
ex> My mom refuses to text. I told her to get with it.
I may be over the hill in your eyes, but my daughter will not be seen wearing that little thing in public. You might as well walk around in your underwear.
* over the hill: old, 한물간, 퇴물이 된
ex> Once you turn 50, you are over the hill.
Gee, Mom, Let's not be so dramatic. All the girls are wearing this kind of mini these days.
* dramatic: 호들갑스러운, 과장하는
If you promise to wear leggings with it, I might reconsider.
But Mom!
It's up to you, my dear.

2012년 9월 2일 일요일

8/31 Horoscope

DIALOG>> I read my horoscope every day!

A: What are you reading?
B: My daily horoscope! I’m a Leo.
A: Ooh! Read me mine! I’m a Scorpio.
B: Ok, it says that your love life is about to explode!
A: Interesting. Do you believe this stuff?
B: Yes, totally. I read my horoscope every day!

RESPONSE>> Talk about reading the horoscopes.

Reading the horoscopes can be a secret indulgence.
* indulgence: 즐거움, 탐닉
* horoscopes: 별자리 운세, 점성술
Ex> She indulges in ice cream and fashion magazines.

Many of us don’t believe in astrology, but we can’t help taking a peek.
* take a peek: 살짝 엿보다
Ex> She can’t help calling her boyfriend every two hours.
Ex> She’s taking a peek at the guest list.
Ex> I want to take a peek at their meeting.

Western astrology first originated in Greece and Babylonia.
Ex> Chopsticks originated in China.

Sometime around 200 A.D, Ptolemy wrote Tetrabiblos.

This explored the concepts of ancient astrology.

People assume they are only their Sun sign, which is what you read in the newspaper.
* Sun sign: 별자리
Ex> He assumed the best in people.

But we also have a personal moon, Venus, and other planets that tell us about our personality.

A professional astrologer can draw a map of your birth chart.

You will need to know the precise moment of birth for this.
* precise: 정확한

It is said that the birth chart is a map of your potential in life.
Ex> It is said he discovered gold in the mountains.

Your actions and will are what you do with that potential.

@ What’s your sign너 별자리가 뭐야?
I went to a bar last night and heard the worst pick-up line.
* pick-up line: 유혹하는 말

1. I like to indulge in gourmet food and expensive shoes.
2. She can't help worrying about me.
3. Do you want to take a peek?
4. Let's not assume the worst.

Related Topics>>

8/30 Baegil

DIALOG>> Do you happen to know a good photographer?

A: Do you happen to know a good photographer?
B: Yes, I do actually. What do you need one for?
A: My son is having his baegil party. We want to take his portrait.
B: Oh, congratulations! When is the celebration?
A: This Saturday. Can you come?
B: Of course! I'd love to.

ex> I happen to know what you're up to.
ex> Do you happen to have a pen?

RESPONSE>> Talk about the baegil party in Korea.

Baegil party marks the 100 day anniversary of a baby.

Before modern medicine, there was a high rate of infant mortality.

Living 100 days was a big deal back then and it's still cherished today.
* cherish: 소중히 하다
ex> Running a marathon is a big deal.

The samshin halmoni, the goddess of childbirth, is given offerings of rice and seaweed soup at the party.
* goddess: 여신

This shows gratitude from the baby and mother.
* gratitude: 감사, 감사하는 마음
ex> We show gratitude to our ancestors.
ex> She showed her gratitude with a small gift.

Red bean cakes are placed at cardinal points in the house to prevent bad luck and bring good fortune.
* cardinal points: 기본 방위, 동서남북

To commemorate this day, a studio photograph is also shot.
* shoot: (사진이나 영화를) 찍다
ex> Where was that movie shot?
ex> Let's shoot some pictures here.

Traditionally, a boy was notedly shot naked to show off this cherished asset.
* notedly: 눈에 띄게, 확연하게
* show off: 자랑하다, 뽐내다
ex> His mother liked to show off his art work to friends.

After this day, the child is no longer considered fragile and can venture outdoors.
ex> She considered him a good friend.
ex> I considered that option already.

@ I'd like to make a toast.  건배를 하고 싶어.

1. Owning a car used to be a big deal in Korea.
2. You should show more gratitude.
3. He likes to show off.
4. Have you considered adopting a baby?