
2013년 3월 16일 토요일

3/15 The Green Credit Card

* more than: ~이상인
ex> The Olympic Games is more than just a sporting event.

* a means of: ~의 수단
* gas: 휘발유
* free stuff: 사은품
* the Ministry of Environment: 환경부
* adopt: 채택하다, 실천하다
* sustainable: 지속 가능한
ex> We definitely need more sustainable energy sources.

* utility: (전기, 수도 등의) 공공시설, 공공요금
* utility bill: 공과금 (청구서)
ex> My utility bill for this month is ridiculous.

* public transit: 대중교통

* be redeemed for: ~로 바꾸다
ex> This voucher can be redeemed for a free meal here.
cf> The only redeeming feature of the job is the salary. (보완/상쇄)하다

@ Can you give me a discount?  할인을 해 줄 수 있어요?

1. He is more than just my boss.
2. Buddhism was introduced to in Korea around the 4th four century.
3. Your points can be redeemed for free books.
4. Did you pay your utility bills this month?

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