
2017년 2월 16일 목요일

PE 12/16 Friday Night with Dad

I figure we can live a little while Mom is out painting the town red with her girlfriends. What kind of soda would you like, Caroline?
* live a little: to do enjoyable things; be carefree
ex> He’d enjoy his retirement more if he’d just live a little.
ex> We like to live a little when we travel.

* paint the town red[하1] : to go out and celebrate in an uncontrolled way
ex> My roommate was out painting the town red last night.

I’m sure she wouldn’t want us to take it personally. She just needs a change of scenery sometimes.
* take it personally: to feel that one is the cause or target of another’s actions; be offended
ex> There are some criticisms in your review, but please don’t take it personally.
* change of scenery: different surroundings; a change in one’s routine or situation
ex> After two months of doing inventory, the team needed a change of scenery.

It’s okay as a treat every now and then, but this isn’t exactly healthy eating. Maybe I should go make some carrot sticks…
* every now and then: occasionally
ex> My roommate Rachel gets grumpy every now and then.

Well, we don’t have to turn in just yet – it’s Friday! Let’s start the movie again.
* turn in: to go to bed
ex> They prepared for their morning departure, then turned in early.

 [하1]To “paint the town red” often means to celebrate flamboyantly and publicly, especially to go on a wild spree, usually involving multiple bars, restaurants and clubs. 

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