
2017년 2월 16일 목요일

PE 12/19 Time for a Repair

Good morning. I’d like to see about getting this old watch repaired.
= look into; enquire about; find out about

My goodness! That is an old one, isn’t it? I should tell you that it’s usually not cost-effective to repair watches as old as this one.
* cost-effective: economically worthwhile
ex> What’s the most cost-effective way to heat a large apartment?

I had a feeling that might be the situation, but this is a family heirloom with great sentimental value. It was my grandfather’s.
* heirloom: a valuable item that has been in a family for many years
ex> The bride’s dress was an heirloom worn by her mother and grandmother.

* sentimental value: an item’s worth to someone due to memories, emotions, nostalgia, etc
ex> I know this old scarf is worn out, but it has sentimental value for me.

It stops cold less than an hour after it’s wound.
* stop cold: to stop completely and suddenly
ex> Clarence stopped cold when he saw how late it was.

I see. Well, I can open it up and get a handle on what’s causing the problem, then I can provide you with an estimate of the cost and how long it will take to fix.
* get a handle on something: to understand something, especially to allow progress or to cope with it
ex> Researchers are trying to get a handle on why the reactor failed.

That would be great. Once we know that, I guess we can take it from there.
* take it from there: to proceed from that position; continue the actions of another
ex> If you will clean the floors, I can take it from there.

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