
2011년 8월 5일 금요일

8/5 Talk about Vietnamese restaurants in Korea.

The popularity of Vietnamese food has been on the rise in Korea.
* be on the rise: 증가하는 추세에 있다.
ex> It's good news that the brithrate in Korea has been on the rise this year.

Vietnamese recipes use a diverse range of herbs.
* a diverse range of: 각양각색의
* Vietnamese  [viètnɑːmíːz]

It's known for its unique aroma.
* aroma:roʊmə] a pleasant, noticeable smell
ex> I use air fresheners all over my house for a sweet aroma.

Rice noodles are served in hot beef broth.
* broth: thick soup made by boiling meat or fish and vegetables in water, 국물, 육수
ex> Bibimbap is served in a stone bowl to retain heat.

You can add seasoned onions, spicy peppers, bean sprouts, and cilantro.
* bean sprout: 숙주, 콩나물
* cilantro: 고수 잎

These ingredients give the noodle dish its signature Vietnamese taste.
* signature taste: 고유의 맛.
ex> That figure skater finished her program with her signature pose.

You can add some red hot sauce or sweet brown sauce to spice up the taste.
ex> If you find the soup too bland, add some salt to spice up the taste.
cf> bland:  not having a strong or interesting taste, 싱거운 맹탕의

@ We'll have to cut back on a few things.  몇 가지는 좀 줄여야겠어.

1. The unemployment rate has been on the rise this year.
2. The restaurant is known for its unique noodle dish.
3. I want to make this the signature dish of my restaurant.
4. I added red pepper powder to spice up the soup.

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