
2011년 8월 21일 일요일

8/20 Talk about rest areas on Korean highways.

Everything the average traveler could possibly ask for can be found at these rest stops.
ex> The average traveler tends to carry hundreds of dollars on them.

Clean restrooms with plenty of stalls are of course a given.
* stall: 칸, 칸막이
ex> Do you see any empty parking stalls for us to park in?
* given: something that is accepted as true, for example when you are discussing sth, or planning sth, 당연한 일, 기정사실

There are also food courts that offer filling meals or noodle dishs.
* filling meal: (of food) making your stomach feel full, 든든한 식사
ex> A sweet potato can be a filling snack.

There are convenience stores where you can stock up on necessities.
* stock up on: to buy a lot of sth so that you can use it later
ex> The store had to stock up on more goods for the holiday season.

You can also fill up at adjacent gas stations.
* adjacent: nearby, 근처의, 인접한
* fill up: an occasion when a car is completely filled up with petrol/gas, 주유하다.
ex> The rooms are adjacent to each other, so I can hear everything.
ex> Do you want to fill up your empty bottle with water?

If you're really lucky, your rest stop may even have recreational facilities like batting ranges!
* batting range: 야구 연습장
cf> shooting range: 사격 연습장 / gofl range: 골프 연습장

@ I want to eat out today.  오늘은 외식하고 싶어.

1. There aren't many rest stops on this expressway.
2. I think it's just a given.
3. Many people stocked up on food and water.
4. I pulled over at a gas station to fill up.

I drive to Busan on Kyungbu expressway regularly because my parents still live there. There is a batting range at Kyungju rest stop. I often use it. I can take some snack and coffee there. I'm not long-distant traveller, so I rarely have a lunch or dinner.

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