
2011년 8월 2일 화요일

8/1 Talk about banners on the streets in Korea.

You may have come across banners at intersections.
* banner: a long piece of cloth with a message on it that is carried between two poles or hung in a public place to show support for sth
ex> If you keep going straight, you'll come across a family restaurant.

Banners are an effective way to get a message across to the public.
* get a message across to: deliver, convey message to, ~에게 메시지를 전달하다.
ex> What do I have to do get the message across to you?

Typical banners in Krea are long, rectangular strips with strings on all four corners.
* rectangular: a flat shape with four straight sides, two of which are longer than the other two, and four angles of 90°, 직사각형의

Banners are hung up from rooftops.
* rooftop: the outside part of the roof of a building, 지붕, 옥상
ex> My baby's one year birthday pictures are hung up in my house.

Some are on freeway overpasses and at school gates.
* overpass: a road or path that goes under another road or railway/railroad track, 고가도로, 육교
ex> There are no crosswalks here, but you can take the pedestrian overpass.

Banners are used to find witnesses in auto accidents.
* witness: a person who sees sth happen and is able to describe it to other people, 목격자
ex> I'm positive the suspect will go to jail because there were three witnesses to his murder.

Banners are also used to congratulate students who've managed to enter top-ranking schools.
* top-ranking school: 최고 명문 학교

@ I can't come up with anything to say.  무슨 말을 해야 할지 모르겠어요.
cf> off the top of one’s head: 즉석에서, 깊이 생각하지 않고..
ex> I can't come up with his name off the top of my head, but I can look it up for you.

1. I came across many unfamiliar words in the book.
2. Online ads can get a message across to many people.
3. Go straight down the road and you will see an overpass.
4. He lost his brother in an auto accident.

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