
2011년 8월 10일 수요일

8/10 Talk about dozing off while driving.

One cause for thousands of accidents every year is dozing off behind the wheel.
* doze off behind the wheel: 졸음 운전을 하다.
ex> I heard she got into fender bender dozing off behind the wheel.

Even though they're beat, people will just push on through and continue driving.
* be beat: 매우 지치다.
* push on through: 억지로 계속하다.

They're very anxious to make it to their destination.
* make it to one's destination: 목적지에 도착하다.
ex> The tour group made it to their destination safely and on time.

Drowsy motorists have slower brain function and reaction times.
* drowsy:sleepy, 졸린, 나른한
ex> He took some cold medicine, which made him very drowsy.

Driving when your lids are heavy can lead to fatal accidents because you can knock out completely.
* knock out: become unconscious, 완전히 곯아 떨어지다.
ex) My lids became heavy druing my professor's long lecture.

Nodding off behind the wheel is most common from midnight to dawn.
* nod off: 졸다.
ex> His car started swerving as he started nodding off behind the wheel.
* swerve: especially of a vehicle to change direction suddenly, especially in order to avoid hitting sb/sth

If nothing seems to help, pull over and get some shuteye!
* pull over: 차를 갓길에 대다.
* get some shuteye: sleep, 잠시 눈을 붙이다.

@ You'll have to do it over from the beginning.  처음부터 다시 해야겠네..

1. I was so tired that I dozed off behind the wheel.
2. If we go now, we can make it to out destination on time.
3. The drunk driver caused a fatal accident.
4. Have you ever nodded off at work?

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