
2011년 8월 9일 화요일

8/9 Talk about the Seoul subway system.

There are nine subway lines that are each marked by colors and numbers.
* be marked by: ~로 표시되어 있다.
ex> You can tell which products are different because they are marked by different colors.

The subway can take you practicaly anywhere in Seoul.
ex> The pouring rain make it impossible to go practically anywhere.

It links the areas in the surrounding Gyeong-gi Province.
ex> Seoul along with the immediate surrounding areas can expect rain.

The line number 2 in particular goes around in a circle.
* go around in a circle: 원으로 순환하다.

Platform screen doors were installed in many stations to enhance safety.
ex> My dad got a CCTV camera installed in his store to fight thefts.

The subway system is foreigner-friendly with English announcements.
ex> This restaurant isn't very foreigner-friendly as it doesn't have non-Korean menus.

@ Just cut it off.   잘라 버려.
What should I do with the part that's sticking out?  여기 튀어나온 부분은 어떡하지?

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