I know the reason for him acting out. He confided in me yesterday that he's being bullied in school by a few of the bigger kids.
* act out: to exhibit bad behavior in an attempt to get the attention of others.
ex> I used to act out during Sunday School because I thought the lessons were boring.
ex> My daughter acts out to get the attention of others.
* confide [kən|faɪd]: 털어놓다
ex> It is important to have someone you can confide in.
It was sort of a man-to-man conversation. He was embarrassed about it and didn't know what to do.
* man-to-man: between two males
ex> My father pulled me aside for a man-to-man talk on the day of my wedding.
I think we should confront the parents of the kids who are pestering him.
* pester [|pestə(r)]: 괴롭히다, 못살게 굴다
ex> Journalists pestered neighbours for information.
No, he'll look like a tattletale and that reputation will follow him forever. I have something else in mind.
* tattletale [tǽtltèil] :a person who always reports others' lies, wrongdoings and faults.
ex> Everyone knew she was a tattletale, so nobody would ever sit next to her in class.
He's as gentle as a lamb and would never willingly hurt someone else.
* (as) gentle as a lamb: extremely calm and kind towards others
ex> The girl was as gentle as a lamb, which was why all animals loved her.
I want to be clear as a bell that I am not 100 percent in favor of this.
* (as) clear as a bell: clear without any confusion or misunderstanding
ex> Let me make myself as clear as a bell: I do not want to become a docotr no matter what you and mom say.
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