
2016년 2월 23일 화요일

PE 2/19 Retraining Wayne

* (as) fit as a fiddle: in excellent health
ex> After three days of rest and plenty of water, my dad was as fit as a fiddle.

* head down a dark road: to be engaged in a process with unhealthy, dangerous, or sinister consequences
ex> Many people feel that the country would be heading down a dark road if it reversed its immigration policies.

* nosedive: a sudden, sharp drop in value, condition, etc.; the downward plunge of an aircraft
ex> Analysts are still trying to determine why the price of oil took a nosedive at that time.

* by the same token: in the same way; for the same reason
ex> The country’s population is aging, and by the same token there are greater demands on its seniors’ programs.

* earful: an angry reprimand; a scolding
ex> I got an earful from my wife for forgetting her birthday one year.

* by hook or by crook: by any means possible
ex> We will get the interior work finished on time by hook or by crook.
Note> Some believe this phrase comes from the custom in medieval English of allowing peasants to take from royal forests whatever deadwood they could pull down with a shepherd’s crook or cut with a reaper’s billhook

* let oneself go: 자제심을 잃다, 마음껏 ~하다
There is another, unrelated, and more positive meaning for this expression. It means “to be uninhibited or less constrained.”
ex> Sometimes people lets themselves go because they lose the motivation to eat properly or take care of themselves.

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