
2016년 11월 12일 토요일

PE 11/2 Two Ways to Measure

* head-scratcher: a puzzle; a confusing mystery
ex> It’s a head-scratcher way Jake didn’t wear his warm jacket today.

Chances are he wants them in inches. Most Americans are discomfited by the metric system.
* chances are: it is likely; probably
ex> Chances are we won’t be home until after it’s dark.

Oh… okay. I’ll do the conversions and get those to him pronto. Out of curiosity, are there any other countries that have yet to adopt the metric system?
* pronto: quickly; immediately; promptly
ex> Better get that dish out of the oven pronto!
ex> Get down here pronto: you’re late for the meeting!

* out of curiosity: for no reason other than personal interest; I wonder
ex> Is this the first time you’ve driven a motorbike, out of curiosity?

* have yet to do something: have not done something yet
ex> Some of you still have yet to submit your timesheets.

* strange bedfellows: an unusual combination or alliance
ex> A minority government can make strange bedfellows of opposing parties.

@ Most Americans are discomfited by the metric system.  대부분의 미국인들은 미터법을 당황스러워 하거든요.
disturbed ~ /flustered ~ /perplexed ~

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