
2016년 11월 18일 금요일

PE 11/9 Two Companies Want Cassie

* be courted by someone: to receive positive attention from one who wants to form a permanent relationship
ex> Tim’s been courted by several companies since graduating this year.

* shake up /shake-up: a drastic change within an organization, especially involving personnel
ex> The cabinet minister lost his job in a recent government shakeup.

* come to light: to become widely known
ex> As the scandal came to light, more changes were laid.

* play both ends against the middle: to make two groups compete for one’s own gain
ex> Our six-year-old is already playing both ends against the middle with us.

* be on the lookout for something: to be alert to the appearance of something
ex> Please be on the lookout for a gas station with a convenience store.

* ride something out: to endure something unpleasant, hoping it will end
ex> She always stops practicing by 10 PM, so let’s just ride it out.
ex> Our sales have been slow, but we have enough cash to ride it out.

@ I won’t exploit the situation.  이 상황을 부당하게 이용할 생각은 없다
manipulate /unfairly benefit from ~ /take advantage of ~

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