
2016년 11월 14일 월요일

PE 11/7 One Last Theater Ticket

Ooh! There’s just one ticket left for Friday night’s performance of the musical Badgers. Should I take the plunge?
* take the plunge: to do something about which one has been hesitant
ex> I took the plunge and bought coat I told you about.
ex> Did you hear that Kyle took the plunge and proposed to Karen?

Without a doubt! The scuttlebutt is that Darren McLaren will be leaving the show soon, so you’d better go see him while you can.
* scuttlebutt: stories; gossip
ex> This news service features all the scuttlebutt on famous performers.
Note> This slang is derived from a nautical term. Water to drink on a sailing ship was stored in a scuttled butt. Since sailors exchanged gossip when they gathered at the scuttlebutt for a drink of water, scuttlebutt became Navy slang for gossip or rumors.

Do you really believe that rumor? I think he’s just hedging his bets now that the movie companies have begun to beat a path to his door.
* hedge one’s bets: to reduce the risk of loss or error by having multiple options
ex> Dan hedged his bets by negotiating with two companies at the same time.

* beat a path to one’s door: to be eager to meet, congratulate, or engage with one
ex> Just because your idea is good doesn’t mean the world will beat a path to your door.

* heartthrob: a man who is popularly attractive and romantically desirable
ex> My teenage sister has pictures of all the popular heartthrobs on her bedroom wall.

He certainly has drawing power. This show has been sold out for weeks.
* drawing power: the ability to attract a large audience
ex> We need to choose actors who have good drawing power.

@ Without a doubt!  두말하면 잔소리지!
Definitely! /undeniably! /unquestionably!

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