
2017년 1월 12일 목요일

PE 12/5 Making Pottery for Fun

This all seems to be in order. So – what brings you to the class?
* in order: complete and correct; tidy and functional
ex> First we have to confirm that your application is in order.
* bring one to something: to compel one to do something; be the cause for a decision
ex> What brings you to this outdoor festival on such a chilly day?

I loved doing pottery in school, so I’ve been keeping my ear to the ground for a course like this one. I’m on cloud nine to be here, truth be told[하1] .
* keep one’s ear to the ground: to be alert for desired news or information
ex> I’m keeping my ear to the ground for job opportunities.
* on cloud nine: very happy and elated
ex> Jake has been on cloud nine since he heard he was going to be a father.

Great! I assume you’ve already scoped out all the details, like what kinds of ideas, materials and tools we’ll be using?
* scope out: to investigate; examine
ex> Jeannie wants to scope out all the restaurants in her new neighborhood.

Don’t worry: I’ll be here to give you a helping hand whenever you need it. Just find a place in the studio and grab a smock[하2]  from the hooks on the wall. We’ll be starting in about ten minutes.
* a helping hand: assistance
ex> My mom lends a helping hand at the seniors’ center on weekends.

 [하1]솔직히 말해서
= to be honest; if truth be known.; as a matter of fact.
 [하2][smɑ:k] (옷이 더러워지지 않도록 위에 걸치는) 작업복[덧옷]

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