
2017년 1월 12일 목요일

PE 12/2 New Boots for Caroline

We were coming up against a brick wall for a while there, weren’t we, Caroline?
* come up against a brick wall: to encounter a very difficult obstacle; be unable to proceed
ex> The developers have come up against a brick wall due to height restrictions.

Well, we couldn’t have you swanning around in those little purple things and taking cover every time it rained or snowed.
* swan around[하1] : to move in a dramatic manner
ex> When the girls were little, they would dress up and swan around the yard.
* take cover[하2] : to quickly find shelter from harsh weather, falling objects, attack, etc.
ex> It began to rain, so we took cover in a doorway.

It took quite a while for Little Miss Diva here to take a fancy to anything that would actually keep her feet warm and dry, but we eventually found these.
* take a fancy to someone/something: to be attracted to someone or something
ex> He must have taken a fancy to me, because he began smiling at me in the halls.

And best of all the price was right, so it was a done deal.
* the price was right: something is affordable or attractively priced; something is free
ex> It’s not the most attractive sandwich place, but the price is right.
* done deal: a transaction or mission that is completed, inevitable, or irreversible
ex> The seller agreed to my offer, so it’s a done deal.

 [하1]If we say that somebody is swanning around, we are implying that they’re doing it to impress in an irresponsible or carefree way.
 [하2]When it comes to earthquakes, they say you should take cover underneath a desk or a doorway.

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