
2022년 2월 26일 토요일

입트영 20220223 Apartment Complex Parking Issues

 Talk about parking issues in apartment complexes

Most apartment complexes have parking space for 1.3 to 1.5 cars per household. But many households these days have two cars, so parking difficulties are an inevitable problem.

 * Traffic congestion is an inevitable problem in any large city.

People often double park as a solution to this problem. But this leads to problems of its own

 * I always leave my phone number when I double park.

Double-parked cars can't be moved if they aren't left in neutral. This makes it necessary to call up the car owner. 

Even if you take special care to park right in the middle of the parking space, the gap between cars is narrow. This means you might become the victim of door dings, or even cause them yourself without meaning to

 * I had an argument with a neighbor because of a door ding.

Dialogue Practice

There isn't enough parking space as it is. But some people even spill over into other spaces. 

I really get worked up when I see such selfish people.

How can they be so inconsiderate toward others?

They lack even the most basic community spirit.

That's right. I think people should be penalized for that kid of poor parking. 

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